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Disabled man forced to pre-board Reagan Southwest flight alone, separated from wife battling cancer

A couple says their holiday trip to Virginia was ruined by a traumatic incident on their flight home. A disabled husband was forced to pre-board alone, while his sick wife had to stay behind at the gate. Terry and Kathryn Podraza were hesitant to make the trip from Omaha to Fredericksburg at all. ( Más...

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Highflyer1950 1
The headline should read “holiday disrupted on the return by angry wife”! i’m guessing there is way more to the story than pre-boarding non-sense?
paul trubits 2
I have been flying SWA since the 1990's and I don't believe this. I have pre-boarded with friends busted up from skiing more than once and they are happy to have some one help. SWA actually likes their px.
joel wiley 1
As his daughter posted on facebook about her upset over the incident and how they were calling the news agencies at the source and destination, I suspect it did occur. It certainly is a few standard deviations off the mean of SWA's usual customer service.
When Ryanair gets wind of it, I conjecture their reaction could be "Hey, that's another service we can surcharge"
bentwing60 0
Spirit seems capable of that Ryanair sort of "customer service" as well. Certainly wouldn't expect it from SWA.

joel wiley 2
Another post that's a Tad Dubious post. 10 posts in 16 days, only from or Not an auspicious start. What's he selling?
bentwing60 2
probably a contractor for a new mh branch.


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