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California's least-known airport is making a comeback

Catalina Island Airport Comeback....Prob old news, but fun anyway ( Más...

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Michael Meyers 1
Great Buffalo Burgers too! The buffalos were brought to the island years ago by the Hollywood movie studios for filming the cowboy movies. When the cowboy movie genre played out the buffalos got left behind.
jagerardi 3
"The CIC says the runway gives pilots using it the feeling of landing on an aircraft carrier."

Really? Try Sedona. You get your first carrier qual going into that one, and if you're landing on 3, turning to the right takes you off the mesa and back into the air.


Lewis Schucart 3
So does flying into TEX in Colorado.... landing on top of a mountain. If not stopped in time, you're back in the air too!
bbabis 3
This is great news. I may not get out there again but I had the pleasure of landing there in a Mooney in 1980 and having lunch at the field. WE had to circle the island a couple of times with other aircraft waiting for fog to lift at the airport and it was incredibly beautiful. The unicom operator acted like a control tower operator. He was instructing planes what to do and then clearing them to land. It was a fun adventure.
dee9bee 4
Good article. It mentioned most everything I was going to say. If you're going all the way into Avalon, it's a long drive. You're better off taking one of the high speed ferries directly to the town from the mainland.

The buffalo burgers at the airport restaurant are quite tasty. Last time I was there, the freight service was via DC3 from Long Beach.
I have been to Catalina island as a stop on n a 4 day cruise out of lax..its a lovely,very clean little place..they dont publicize an airport,and there are a lot of boats and ships around..


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