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Southwest’s fatal accident cost airline $100 million

Southwest Airlines said a fatal accident in April cost the airline $100 million worth of business. ( Más...

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jbqwik 2
the article itself states there are other factors besides the engine failure.
bentwing60 3
Any chance MH posted this because SWA is all Boeing?
william baker 4
That’s the point he only post negative things about Boeing. We all know it but some just let it go.
sparkie624 1
That is they way the Business would is... very unforgiving... Even though they may be equally as safe as the next airline, the community is going to go where people have not lost their life... When another airline has something equal or worse, they they will be the ones punished by the court of public opinion... May not be fair, but that is the way of life.

advertisements for southwest are on tv pretty much on a daily basis lately,aimed more at the "service" angle, rather than safety..those who prefer southwest will continue to fly on them,even with the accident back in april,as they are loyal customers..
Chris B -1
Tax deductible
sparkie624 6
Not really, because it is not money that they are spending... It is money they will never make. This is not a fine or penalty, it is lost business. Their Tax deductions will not change that much


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