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Rolls-Royce Secures Trent 7000 Certification

Rolls-Royce's Trent 7000 has been certificated by the European Aviation Safety Agency ( Más...

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Shenghao Han 1
I am confused by RR’s naming scheme...

Ric Wernicke 0
How can they claim a 10% fuel consumption reduction? The fuel used is most affected by the weight of the aircraft. I might believe a 1 or 2% claim from clever manufacturing or operating techniques, but never ten without a huge weight reduction.

Isn't this engine just a rebadged RB211, anyhow? I remember those being bolted on L-1011's in Palmdale in 1972. If that design has a 50 year life span that would be amazing. The Queen should give 'em a plaque or somethin.


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