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Qantas A380 in wake turbulence encounter caused by another Qantas A380

Flight QF94, two hours after taking off from Los Angeles to Melbourne on the night of June 10, plunged upon hitting the wake turbulence of another Qantas A380 that was on its way to Sydney, the Australian airline said in a statement. No injuries were reported. The planes were separated by 20 nautical miles and 1,000 feet in altitude. ( Más...

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Highflyer1950 1
Always said that with RVSM we were going to have to pay very close attention to upper wind direction and keep one eye glued to the TCAS!
bentwing60 1
The real killer with RVSM is GPS nav. that puts everybody in the middle of the airway and directly above or below the next guy. Kinda saw that commin as well.

Graham Bwdn 0
Ummm... That's not how you spell Qwantas...oops I mean Qantas :)
ffrcobra1 3
I would bet that the the plane in trail was below the first aircraft. If so, that is a big no, no for avoiding wake turbulence. Wing tip vortices sink as they decay. Twenty miles in trail equates to less than 3 minutes flying time at 435kts.


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