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Southwest Airlines Passengers Jump From Plane After Emergency Landing (Video)

Passengers on board a Dallas-bound Southwest Airlines flight used escape slides to evacuate the plane after smoke filled the aircraft's cabin, prompting an emergency landing in New Mexico. The Albuquerque Fire Department tweeted that two people were taken to local hospitals. The extent of their injuries was not immediately known. ( Más...

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Shenghao Han 1
These people clearly didn't read the inflight safety card... You have to slide off the wing along the flaps, there are no slides on the wing emergency exit.

Luke Mawhirter 2
I'd like to have a few words with the person with the panicky voice saying "Move away from the aircraft, Let's Go!" Completely inappropriate, whether it be from the flight crew, ARFF, or Airport Ops. These people are crowded precariously on the wing of an aircraft, at night, 10 feet off the ground. Shouting at them in that manner is not advisable, especially considering the nature of the emergency.


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