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Ocean Infinity resumes search for missing airline MH370

THE search for MH370 has resumed after a research ship left South Africa, bound for a search area off the coast of Perth. The Malaysian Government has enlisted US seabed exploration company Ocean Infinity, which chartered Norwegian ship Seabed Constructor, due to arrive in Perth on February 7 after it set sail from Port Durban on Tuesday. ( Más...

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bbabis 1
Hope them the best.

Shenghao Han 1
Lets map the ocean floor so we can find MH370 (and Dumped American/Soviet Nukes, sunk WWII ships, toxic wastes, still leaking New Horizon well and all kinds of human mess)
linbb -3
Better use of the money would be for social needs this is a waste of time and money.
joel wiley 0
Who pays? Who benefits?


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