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Most Complained About Illinois Airport Opens Free Access

Following AOPA’s complaint with the FAA over fixed-base operator (FBO) pricing practices at Illinois’ Waukegan National Airport, local leaders have taken steps to make the field more accessible and friendlier for general aviation. ( Más...

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Jeff Perkins 1
The real problem much like local utilities providers is they have a monopoly. And because GA is such a small community you all lack the power of numbers to really get stuff done. I mean if you guys get robbed on avgas who are you going to complain to? Who will care? No one other than other pilots and maybe people like me that are aviation lovers and sympathetic and understand the situation you're in
Otherwise people that don't fly or care about airports/aviation/pilots/etc. just won't care. They've got too many other pressing issues to worry about some "rich guys"(like it or not GA is an "upper class" hobby) "whining" about the price of their toys. They don't realize the bigger implications, or that it's just an outright dick move. That said companies exist to make it's...just a bad situation. I'm glad AOPA was able to get things addressed.

Bruce Atkinson 1
Your comments describe the reason why recreational flying will one day die. Only the very rich can now afford it. The ridiculous cost of airplanes,avionics, maintenance and fuel,make it more unaffordable every year. But, it's also true there are bigger problems with this world.
Jeff Perkins 1
I work full time and make decent money but nowhere near what it takes to get started. Plus I don't think I could get a medical certificate. And what's insane is flying is safer than it has ever been. And I'd argue easier than it has even been. Computers have done so much to enhance safety and situational awareness. They just need to open the sport class up a bit more and get the prices of planes like the cessna 172s down to around the cost of a car.
Bruce Atkinson 1
Not a friend of GA in Rochester,MN.No competition. Just there to serve bets.
Bruce Atkinson 2
That s/b "biz jets", not bets.
crk112 1
+1 !!!

Also a Signature FBO there if I recall??
Bruce Atkinson 2
Yes.The ONLY source of fuel or any assistance.
Signature, Atlantic, TacAir have all gotten in cahoots with greedy airport commissions to maximize profits by holding airport facilities hostage.

Worse and worse service, higher and higher prices. It's time the FAA set out some guidelines.

This idea that public airports can be converted into private cash-cows has got to end.
ww curry 5
This is signatures MO every hwere the are. They find a/p's where they can be the sole fbo, get in bed with the a/p mge and/or a/p commission the start charging ramp fees, raising fuel prices and any other. Price they can contrul, shame on you, Signature!
And why not just use RFD? I mean, if you have no other option but to be in Illinois. Just about same drive time to 'the loop'. Thank got I got out of that god forsaken state. They even make Cali and NY look halfway decent.


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