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NAACP warns black passengers about traveling with American Airlines

The NAACP has warned African-American travelers to be careful when flying with American Airlines. The group issued an advisory late Tuesday, saying it has noticed "a pattern of disturbing incidents reported by African-American passengers, specific to American Airlines." It said the incidents "suggest a corporate culture of racial insensitivity and possible racial bias" and advised travelers to exercise caution. "Booking and boarding flights on American Airlines could… ( Más...

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Randall Kimm 1
This smells like a juicy class action litigation against AA. They better get out in front of the camera and media like Boeing tried and failed to do with the Canadians.

Pileits 0
So is there some kind of weird mindset that these American Africans have?, maybe so like self entitlement.
linbb -2
Here we go another hold over from the Obama era. Again watch cops or cops live on TV, first thing that happens quite often is after a foot chase they ask why did you run? Oh cops beat up us blacks, or cops kill blacks, and the standard one just act out when others in a normal stop don't. Yell as loud as you can to let everyone know how you are not being mistreated.
canuck44 2
Contributions are tight....let the shake down begin.
linbb -4
How true read if they don't delete it and then watch it live on TV how it goes for cops putting up with problems no matter how they had acted.
sparkie624 2
When you think that you have seen everything.... UGH!


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