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Silver Airways Places Orders for up to 50 ATRs

Fort Lauderdale-based regional carrier Silver Airways has signed a letter of intent to purchase up to 50 ATR-42-600 turboprops to replace their aging Saab 340s. The airline plans to take delivery of the first 20 or so airframes towards the end of 2017 and they also have the option to convert later orders to the larger ATR-72-600. This news is a major coup for ATR and an absolute surprise from Silver Airways. ( Más...

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bettiem 2
The ATR is certainly a choice that will do the job, - but I'm nosey about where else they shopped and why those competitors lost.

Ken McIntyre 3
Now, if they can just find enough pilots...
ken young 1
My guess is Silver's pay scale is down in the Mesa Airlines level? If that is the case, its difficult to find and retain flight crews
MSReed 3
Spot on. Staffing seems to be their primary problem. They're one of the reasons that I'm GA only.


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