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China fines Emirates after plane flew at wrong height

BEIJING (AP) — China's civil aviation authority fined Dubai-based Emirates airline and barred it from adding new routes in the country over the next six months after two of its flights were cited for unsafe operations. ( Más...

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flyinkizziah 0
has anyone seen the way chinese do airspace and more specifically altitudes/flight levels? seems like would be easy to make a mistake compared to flying in the rest of the world
30west 2
Yes. I flew with glass PFD's/MFD's, but without the latest "magic". We could not select between feet and meters displayed on the altitude tape. We had charts that listed the correct altitude/FL to maintain in feet in order to be at the assigned altitude/FL in meters. It worked fine, but required an extra level of attention to detail and following the company check-crosscheck procedures to insure a "routine" flight and not a screw up. Best not to be fatigued.
joel wiley 2
Incorrect FL? Clearly must be a Boeing design flaw, eh?

linbb 3
Yup Airbust never has any problems................on here at least read different blogs have just as many problems.
joel wiley 0
I need new glasses. I was certain the OP was mh370. My bad.


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