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Beechcraft Queen Air Seized after 144 lbs. of Cocaine Found!

Liberal Mid-America Regional Airport - The Kansas Bureau of Investigation received a tip about an aircraft landing in Liberal, Ks Wednesday May 10th. The Seward Sheriff's Deportment was contacted to perform a ramp check of the aircraft upon touchdown. During the check, about $2 million worth of Cocaine had been found. ( Más...

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Ben Bosley 3
N76RT for those interested.
John Hodge 1
The registration shows it went pending on the same day as the bust. Would this because because of a new owner that just happened to get caught on the first trip or would law enforcement take ownership?
John Yarno 2
I would guess that it would depend on if the sale had been completed, or of there was only a down payment paid. The seller could possibly reclaim it through a court action. Most likely, the new owner is the police.
Ric Wernicke 5
Looks like the KBI just got themselves a new whip.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

KBI getting a new whip is trolling???

joel wiley 0
65 Kg is nothing to snort at. Wonder if Liberal, KS was the destination or expected refueling stop?


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