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U.S. Expected to Announce Expansion of Electronics Ban to Europe

Sources have confirmed that DHS officials are officially considering the expansion of the current electronics ban in place against flights departing from certain Middle East countries to the United States. The expansion of this ban would include flights to Europe. ( Más...

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Andy Cruickshank 11
All of this represents a lack of innovation to solve a problem and let our enemies win. We spend vast amounts of money "keeping us safe" to very little effect. In today's world eliminating the ability to work, watch a movie or listen to music is unsustainable and wrong. Find a way and do not let the evil ones win out of our (perceived) fear. Stand strong (and I am a liberal!)
That would be great news for Air Canada. It would be easy to fly to Montreal, Toronto or other Canadian hubs with your laptops and then take a short hop to your destination in the US with the laptop in your checked baggage.
You beat me to it!. We already have fewer tourists coming to the US and now we will be having them spend more of their travel $$ with other country carriers
TSA and the FAA....fighting yesterdays battle today.
Mike Mohle 1
Great Idea. Also, laptops and other expensive electronics in checked baggage will ensure more of them will "disappear", leading more to be sold. This is a plot started by Apple, et al. LOL.
Yes, follow the money trail! Maybe Apple sponsored the guy who imagined this harebrained idea!
scott8733 4
Evidently DHS and DJT dont understand the amount of non-pax freight transported on commercial AC. Just as easy for the bad guys to plant something there.

If this gets expanded then I'd give serious consideration to connecting through YYZ to Europe . Just as quick of a connection as compared to major US airports.

Perhaps Air Canada's behind this, LOL
I know that Air Canada is trying to make not only YYZ, but also YUL and YVR into international hubs. The timing looks right.
joel wiley 4
Homeland Security John Kelly is expected to give a classified briefing to senators about domestic threats, including those involved with aviation.

I hope the brief includes a certain domestic threat on Pennsylvania Ave.
btweston 6
I'm starting to get used to these poorly thought out, arbitrary rules that don't serve any real purpose. However, I still think that the Trump administration is the worst thing to happen to the free world since crack cocaine.
Jeremy Swanger 3
Banning anything larger than a smartphone inbound from the UK is going to keep us safe how???
Mike Mohle 3
What a waste of time. If someone wants to do something nefarious it seems they could connect to the US through Asia instead. What about coming up with a screening system to ensure that the item is what it supposed to be? Or (God forbid) profiling of passengers or just keeping them at their departure point in the first place!!!!!
ToddBaldwin3 1
Does it really make a difference if a laptop containing explosives detonates in hold versus the cabin?

Mike Mohle 0
Or whether it is shipped as freight rather than as baggage. This whole thing is stupid. How about profile the passengers?
Shantanu Roy 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Trump's Laptop Ban on ME3 Airlines

Last week, the US government declared that passengers on flights to the US from 10 airports in Muslim-majority countries would no longer be allowed to bring larger electronic devices like laptops and tablets into airplane cabins.
Ed Cormany 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

U.S. likely to expand airline laptop ban to Europe

The Trump administration is likely to expand a ban on laptops on commercial aircraft to include some European countries, but is reviewing how to ensure lithium batteries stored in luggage holds do not explode in midair, officials briefed on the matter said on Wednesday.
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

ALERT US may ban laptops on flights from UK airports

The Trump administration is considering barring passengers flying to the US from UK airports from carrying laptops, sources have told the Guardian. The proposed ban would be similar to one already imposed on travelers from several Middle Eastern countries. British officials understand that their US counterparts are looking at extending the ban – which prevents any devices larger than a smartphone being taken as carry-on luggage – to flights from Europe.
Mike Hartner 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

US may ban laptops on flights from UK airports

The Trump administration is considering barring passengers flying to the US from UK airports from carrying laptops, sources have told the Guardian.

The proposed ban would be similar to one already imposed on travellers from several Middle Eastern countries.

British officials understand that their US counterparts are looking at extending the ban – which prevents any devices larger than a smartphone being taken as carry-on luggage – to flights from Europe.
Chris Sloan 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Analysis: The #ElectronicsBan Could Be Extended To Flights From Europe

The United States may extend its ban on large electronics in the cabin to all flights between Europe and the United States, according to tweets from aviation analyst Alex Macheras. In a series of tweets Monday morning U.S. time, Macheras shared that the official announcement of the extended electronics ban would come from the White House later this week.


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