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Pilot: Stop blaming United

Like many, I stood in shock as I watched the cell phone video of Dr. David Dao being forcibly removed from United Express Flight 3411 at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport ( Más...

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indy2001 0
Adults know when further discussion is unwarranted and counterproductive.
Scott Campbell 1
I'll decide when to move on. You apparently need to tell us all how it really is, the squawk section is here to share thoughts and ideas in a normal adult manner not exert our superiority over someone else's opinion. I agreed with Les before the article came out. I'm sure your kids and friends enjoy you explaining life to them the rest of us do not.
Scott Campbell 3
Enough already ? Come on, I think Les Abend would be the authority I'm going with on this.
I flew over 150 flights last year, and the majority of the melt downs are adults acting like children, as did this man. The facts are simple act like an adult and be treated that way. The Chicago Airport police did not know what they were doing. Whenever you forcibly remove someone you need someone behind you, (to protect the perp) and just as importantly the people around you. I've volunteered before, (due to weight and Balance) after being boarded, and flew my wife and I round trip to Hawaii on the voucher. The complete facts are already in sir, most of us have learned how to listen since Kindergarten. If you need more, refer to the bottom of any airlines ticket, but I'm going with Les Abend and my own experience on this. Grow up world !
I think daylight came and he just wanted to go home.
Dao me say Dao...
Lol. Wasn't that song from the 60's?
indy2001 5
Enough already. Nobody in this incident is blameless, and none of us have all of the facts. Nor do the media. All of the various bodies that are investigating the incident will keep their reports confidential. The complete facts will only be revealed if/when this goes to open court. Until then it's time to move on.
RECOR10 -5
It never will - United will settle for an "Undisclosed figure" and the ignorant shit aupposed "MD" will find his next victim. I take special care to point out this shit-bags special stink and someone who works in healthcare.
ToddBaldwin3 3
Your message would be a lot more effective without the foul language.
Maybe, but, this idiot keeps being called "Doctor" by various news sources, that is a smack to the face of the thousands of professional MD/DO's that have not had their licenses suspended for a decade. The word "Doctor" in and of itself will infer that it is a respectable person who lives a life helping others. That, in this case, is NOT the case.
RECOR10 -2
Edit: "as someone who works in healthcare"
patrick baker -1
;united looks properly at fault for the abuse/assault upon the doctor. That the company resorts to the policies and procedures excuse says to me united ought to just fly air cargo, not human beings. Under those conditions they could be as brutal as they wished on the cargo containers and no one would care.
Why? All United did was call the police (who removed the idiot).
Same thing everyone does when they want a person removed from their property or business. And people who don't comply with police get dragged out of cars or off property every day.
Lee Withers -2
There seems to be a lot of information on this incident and some of it is contrdictery. The $800 payment is one and he in fact get off the aircraft before. His getting off seems to be a consenus. The amount of money offed really has no bearing but wether he took it not is the question. As far as United goes it matters not that they needed to transport the crew because of bad planning or an actual emergency it matters not, they needed the space and had that right. As to the timing on when a airline can remove a passenger I have read a different version than what written here. Another source I read said a passenger could be bumped up until the Cain door was closed. After reading one of the other reports here it might be interesting to know if the Dr. was on drugs or suffering from the effects. No matter what contributed and the results there of is not on United shoulders, but squarely on the Drs. And the security personnel.
RECOR10 -2
Exactly! In any other forum/context people would be saying "Hang 'em high". But, that does not feel good in the news, nor on the Omniscient view that is Facebook. Fact: The guy took the money. Fact: The guy got off the plane. Fact: The guy got back on. Fact: The POLICE dragged him off....Hmmmmm....not certain at all how anyone can argue for this moap.

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eshulze 12
He didn't "take" $800. That's what United tried to offer, which is below the $1350 they legally have to give him if is denied boarding. It's not his fault United didn't plan accordingly. Look at the contract of carriage. They can deny you boarding, but not kick you off for it. Pilots can only kick people off for specific things, and "poor planning" is not one of them! Then you proceed to make a fool of your self and your opinion by saying "he should be "duct taped and tossed to the tarmac" You Sir, are "a walking example of how not to be a decent person!"
RECOR10 -3
The fact is the US carriers need to act a bit more like carriers from other nations. At Ben Gurion, that moap would still be in jail.

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eshulze 5
Might want to check your facts again: Dao was offered $800 to give up his seat, but when he refused, three Chicago aviation officers pulled him out of his seat and dragged him down the aisle. The doctor hit his head on an arm rest on the way down.
RECOR10 -9
GN may want to see the same press release and representatives that were on WLS this AM. No matter what, this guy was a bag of shit.


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