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United/Continental's new color scheme rolls out!

United/Continentals merger color scheme rolls out on its first revenue flight! Check it out! ( Más...

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chalet 0
The Continental logo is very neat but now they should remove the golden stripes around the world with red color.
Austin Wirl 0
United needs to keep their main livery and put continental on the nose small
butchwhitmon 0
Simple is fine. Looking good United/Continenal
Roger Deeringer 0
It is a good thing, not spending a lot of money on cosmetics. Maybe they can pay the air crews enough to keep the customers happy and returning. Today's airline game is not about how pretty or flashy the outside looks, it's all about service and price. Sometimes price comes first, but those are the vacation flyers who fly once or twice a year. The bread and butter is the folks who have their butts in a seat once or twice a week.
Austin Wirl 0
Ken Martin 0
I am glad to see some people like plain and simple coulor schemes whether it be on aircraft or what ever, I still think it looks good on United/Continental planes.
Luke Steinberg 0
i like the font
ryanna lower 0
I have always loved Continentals colors, so I'm glad I will be able to see the "globe" in the future.

Bob Johnson 0
The new livery in my opinion is what the OLD United and Continental were trying to accomplish, a blending of the two airlines. It is not some stupid dazzling new colors that mean nothing, but a meshing of two great airlines. I think they did a superb job in blending the two.
UAL047 0
While I like the concept of combining the two liveries, there really isn't much combining here at all. It's CO's scheme and a changed font for UNITED. It's rather poorly done. It is my opinion that they could have used the existing UA font on the CO colors and it would have been fine; the only difference being a color change from black to the royal blue that CO uses on its birds. Also, I agree with Michael Perry; painting the underside of the fuselage and engine pods blue would have given it a more refined look.

I suspect, as anything else, this will be a work in progress. If I had to guess, what you see today will not be the final product that comes out when the carriers finally become one in 18-24 months time.
pfp217 0
With what I said above I should include that the CO scheme is one of my favorites of all time, it just doesn't seem the same now.
Matt you'll see "Continental" aircraft for a while just as you'll see Tulips still tiptoeing though the airport for sometime to come. In fact I'll bet it takes a long time for some of the UAX companies to get the CO colors w/ UA titles applied.
Matt Dornbos 0
so is there no more "continental" jets?
Paul Schiesser 0
It's not butt ugly but it is pretty plain, oh well let's hope the new mega airline has better service than looks
Michael Perry 0
I think the new livery is simple and clean, the only thing I would change the lower half of the fuselage the continental blue and not gray. Sometimes simple is the best way to go.
pfp217 0
ywah I'd hardly call it a "new color scheme". Most airlines roll out retrojets and special schemes that are much more of a change than this.

Ok, we've got the aircraft covered and taped and ready to paint. Ok, step 1, put the decal over the Continental title. Ok, done, roll er out!
Ken Martin 0
I like the new clours of UNITED/CONTINENTALS it is clean bright and fresh looking for a change better than being drab and boring.
Benav8r 0
I think it's awful! "u n i t e d" plain.


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