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Here’s how Boeing moves its gigantic airplane wings and components

An entire airplane isn't built in one spot — sometimes parts are built in multiple places and then assembled together. Watch Boeing transport a massive 100' long wing section along Washington roads, an endeavor that requires two trucks just to carry the load. ( Más...

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bentwing60 2
And they don't go too slow, if, you actually watch the video, instead of click vote the AB view. A production for sure, and probably not so many 74,76 wings anymore, sadly, but they will never be known as anything but Boeing. I suspect few lines on ones resume mean more in the US unless you got fired for bein stupid. In which case, you don't need a resume, you need a shirt with your name on it. Cheers.

linbb 2
Oh well even if it doesn't have an engine to power it guess they can call it a truck. Not a big deal as see wind turbine blades carried the same way with the rear unit radio controlled from the pickup following the load.

Sorry Airbust fans that voted it down as it wasn't there favorite manufacture.


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