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The Airbus A380 Is Dead -- Airbus Just Hasn't Admitted It Yet

Due to changing travel patterns, demand for jumbo jets like the Airbus A380 won't recover anytime soon. ( Más...

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joel wiley 2
Dismissed as Fake News by M. Fabrice Brégier
What else would you expect from a website called
bentwing60 3
The Motley Fool is a well regarded entity and M. Fabrice Brégier, has a serious "objectivity" issue in this matter. From the squawk, read the next article where United/Co. is retiring their 747 fleet early for the same cost of ops. and excess capacity reasons quoted in the cited article. The A380 is on the ropes. So is the 74. So is the Circus. Some things lose their edge. And of the three, "The greatest show on earth", is the greater loss to me.
joel wiley 2
Agree. Elephants, acrobats, and clowns will be missed more than the Airbug. Can't get the image of a giant white well fed tick out of my mind.
bentwing60 1
It is an ugly airplane, but then, I thought a CL60 was ugly till somebody started payin me to sit in the front of one.
joel wiley 1
"My face I don't mind it for I am behind it. It' those out in front that I jar"
I agree, looks like very constipated whale. But I can tell you that once you are sitting in it for a long flight it looks very attractive!
bentwing60 1
I'm 6'4" and flew Lears, You know the scale. A Challenger was a complicated palace.
I was talking about the A380.
Thanks, I wasn't aware of that. So my comment is really out of line, sorry.
joel wiley 2
With the motley Internet and the signal-to-noise ratio it is easy to overlook unfamiliar legitimate sites.

Right on! :)
bentwing60 1
And, on occasion, I have been caught "with my trousers around my tarsals" for having not read all the article, verifying the source, or all of the above. No harm, no foul. And the only thing missing in Joel's original post was the "made of unobtanium" FA sarc. font. LOL
matt jensen 1
Highly regarded for their stock picking and biz insights


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