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FAA orders Boeing 787 safety fix

The FAA is mandating that operators of Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner periodically reset the power on the airplane to avoid a glitch that could cause all three computer modules that manage the jet’s flight control surfaces to stop working while in flight. ( Más...

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Wayne Fox 1
Damn Windows programs.
JD345 3
This aircraft has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down.

If the problem persists, call the aircraft vendor.
Jack Metcalf 1
I thought I read about this problem over a year ago?
joel wiley 3
You probably did. This item is that the FAA published the AD 12/2/16. A link to it is in the thread.
Jack Metcalf 1
Thanks Joel!
BigFED 2
All I can think of that may relate is the infamous "Windows Blue Screen of DEATH!!!"
Paul Smith 1
I was on a flight from DSM to ORD one winter evening. We were on takeoff roll when the takeoff was aborted. The cockpit crew announced that they had a computer problem and they had to trouble shoot it. The aircraft had to be rebooted. Sitting there on a regional jet, in the dark, silent in the cold waiting 20 minutes until they could reboot.

The worst part was that we needed deicing again, and the deicing crew went home when the plaNe left the gate.

Most interesting flight in a while!
Rex Bentley 3
Don't think airliners ought to be strictly fly by wire. Spent too many years working aircraft electrical systems. Have met the great god "tron" on several occasions, not a nice guy. If you can't steer that thing, it's just a chunk of aluminum looking for the junk yard to land in.
Paul Smith 1
The only fly by wire I trust are the cables in my J-3 Cub.
This computer has not been shut down in six months (for cleaning).
joel wiley 1
Your computer probably has time synchronization via the internet to reset your clock.
The AD can be found here:
Torsten Hoff 1
>> Your computer probably has time synchronization via the internet to reset your clock.

Time synchronization isn't the problem, a counter overflow is.
Pileits 1
Certainly makes sense to me. One of my very OLD computers used to run continously 24/7. BAD idea, I learned being a computer they need restarting now and then just to get their brains drained every so often.
In other words doing so "resets" your computer, try it.
Off topic here.

Not necessarily a bad idea. If your machine needs to be restarted because of brain drain, then that machine isn't performing properly. This not being because of bad OS design, but because of bad performance tuning by the operator of the Machine.

Before switching it to a VM running Ubuntu, I had a webserver running Solaris x86 running for over 1000 days. It nearly hit the 3 year mark before shutting it down. If your machine is tuned to perform optimally, you shouldn't have to restart it at all.

This isn't to say that restarting doesn't help things, but stating that computers running 24/7 is a bad idea is inherently false.
ToddBaldwin3 4
Last item on the shut down check list "Ctrl Alt DEL"?
Pileits 3
How about "Restart"
Nicholas Huff 1
No, no, no. You have to hold down the unlock button and volume down button simultaneously for 5 seconds. Just do it when you have plenty of altitude and are not over water.
jbqwik 2
"periodically reset.."? Reminds me of my first PC. Except locking-out control surfaces is no joke.
joel wiley 2
If I recall correctly, there was a similar issue with the PATRIOT missile batteries during the first Gulf war.
I wonder if the displays go to BLUE SCREEN of DEATH like the old PC's?
Jeff K 6
Impressive to think that 787's are being flown around the clock to where there computers are continuously operating for 22 days or greater.
Jon Vanmeter 4
A lot of interesting comments in this article. How long is "brief"? If its a very short period of time why not just incorporate a restart into the preflight procedure? And your right...22 days is pretty impressive. They also mentioned overlapping restarts which makes me wonder if the systems restart on purpose at set intervals or if these are random events caused by something else. It points to a software glitch if a "fix" is supposed to be released to cure this but, really, why would any operator leave a critical system running without a restart for that long?
joel wiley 0
The AD estimates the cost of operation at $85 for on hour staff time. That may be the minimum unit they work with. Abbreviated instructions on page 5 are:

(g) Reset of FCMs
Within 7 days after the effective date of this AD, do the action specified in paragraph
(g)(1) or
(g)(2) of this AD. Repeat the
action specified in paragraph (g)(1) or (g)(2) of this AD thereafter at
intervals not to exceed 21 days.
(1) Cycle the airplane electrical power...

(2) Cycle power to the left, center, and right FCMs...

linbb 1
Why bother if they don't need to be turned off and yes its a software issue.


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