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GYPSY PLANE BRAWL Shocking moment huge fight erupts between travellers

The brawl, between a number of passengers believed to be gypsies, saw an elderly woman hit in the head while a stewardess was even slapped. The Ryanair flight, from Brussels to Malta, was forced to land in Pisa on Thursday night after the chaos unfolded. ( Más...

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canuck44 5
Interesting they were "believed to be gypsies". Gypsies come in many varieties mostly sharing a stem heritage in the Northern Indian subcontinent. That is pretty much the most characteristic they share along with fidelity to family. Those in the East tend to be Muslim while those in Western Europe are mostly Christian or Hindi. It is not like they boarded the aircraft in Gypsy Halloween garb ready to pick pockets and tell fortunes.
The term Romani is applied to all considered to be gypsies....these were described as "Eastern European" speaking some French without revealing their native language. Many of the economic migrants to Western Europe and the UK are from the Baltic region and are all "gypsies" to the native populations...particularly in Spain.

Jim Heslop 3
First thing I thought of, seeing everyone lined ip in the isle, was the movie scene from 'Airplane' where they all lined up to slap a passenger having a panic attack!
MH370 -1
Ryanair!! What a joke! Enough said
ToddBaldwin3 4
I wouldn't say that. First, I don't see how this is a fault of Ryanair. I travelled quite a bit on Ryanair when I was stationed in Europe. Sure, It's definitely steerage class seating, and pay for everything, but I generally arrived at my destination on-time and I certainly can't complain about the cost of the flight.
Jeff Phipps 1
It sounds like Ryanair were quite responsible in this matter, restraining the combatants and setting down at nearest airport. What would have been more in keeping with their reputation would be if they then tried to take a collection from all the other passengers to cover the costs of diversion before resuming the flight.


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