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A Single Plane Landed At The South Pole Six Decades Ago

On October 31, 1956, a plane descended out of the clear, blue sky at the bottom of the planet. The twin-engine R4D-5 Skytrain, named Que Sera Sera, touched down on the frigid Antarctic plateau just yards away from the unmarked geographic South Pole. This was the first airplane ever to land there. ( Más...

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TWA55 1
My dad was part of Operation Deep Freeze 1958-59 will nn to check my slides and see if that is the plane he took pics of...
Don Whyte 1
Impressive! That photo looks very similar to that of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the moon with Apollo 11. From 1956 to 1969 a short 13 years and the R4D-5 taking the role of the lunar lander in equally harsh conditions.

dodger4 1
How do we know that's the South Pole? For that matter, how did HE know - in 1956....?
Chris Martin 0
A couple of weeks later (Nov 20 1956) the first construction crew arrived and made measurements (probably sun sightings) to get a more accurate determination of the location of the South Pole and found they were about 8 miles away, see for details. Still 8 miles away is pretty impressive for a flight in 1956, kudos to the navigator, LT Dick Swadener.
M.F. LaBoo 2
"Thinking fast, Shinn started to fire the small jet assisted take-off rocket engines on the side of the plane for the extra thrust to dislodge the skis"

It took a set of huevos to fire all the RATOs at once. Greater stress on the airframe than one would wish, plus no do-overs and a hell of an ice-chopping job if that had failed to do the trick.
ronald mathews 4
I remember this day well as I was stationed at mc murdo sound and helped load those jet assist bottles on that aircraft that morning
Adrian Piers 2
And not a man lost! A worthy successor to Shackleton.


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