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Hunt for MH370 will extend into 2017

ATSB announced on Wednesday that the final 120,000 sq km area would now be completed “by around January/February 2017”, with less than 10,000 sq km of the area to go. It attributed the delay to poor weather conditions during the southern hemisphere’s winter. ( Más...

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joel wiley 7
The subject will continue until the aircraft is found or the last conspiracy theorist dies of old age.
bbabis 2
If the 8% or so of search area left is around the edges, particularly the northern boundary, there may be a chance they find something. When you cast a net over an object in an unknown position the odds of centering it are quite slim. Also, I have not seen anything on if reverse current drift mechanics on the found pieces have changed the search area any. Baring the miracle find, it will take the future technology of scouring the ocean bottom via satellite to find any main debris.
Not likely to find anything unfortunately, intact or otherwise!
robin gabriel 1
Given the dishonesty , atrocities and senseless sensationalism going on in the World today, we will probably hear one day that the main cabin has been found and their are a few survivors.

matt jensen 1

Not likely to find main cabin intact
mister wallace 1
As ever the Australian taxpayer is being stung for something the Malaysians don't want found and the Chinese couldn't care less about. All they want to do is use their so-called search vessel for spying activities off the Australian naval port. They are frightened to have the number of days at sea released as it will show how little they really contributed. However if the Australia paid ship does find something the Chinese will publish in their state controlled press what a wonderful job they did finding the plane. This has to stop or let the Malaysians fund and find it, but they don't want to for many reasons.
maingear 1
Prospective services run the risk of second considerarions due to drain on funds that the search must surely represent; e.g. When will there be funds to finance the rollout of satellite based wide area augmentation of GNSS approaches to increase the precision and safety of aviation in Austrailin, given the GPS is now more essential with the dcomissining of ground-based navaids and increased reliance of aviation of GPS? What other essential infrastructure development is now also delayed due to the drain?


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