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The New “Sully” Movie: How Accurate?

Airbus A320 Captain and Noted Aviation Author, Eric Auxier aka "Cap'n Aux", opines on the accuracy of the upcoming movie starring Tom Hanks about "The Miracle on the Hudson". Did Hollywood get it right? What can be gathered from just the trailers.... ( Más...

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Loral Thomas 2
Sully and crew did a fantastic job on the Hudson. Just wish he had kept his mouth closed about the 1,500 hr. rule! His presence in Washington changed the hour requirements for new pilots trying to get into Part 121 or 135 and all because the family of those tragically killed in the Colgan crash demanded action. He was a very visible target and Washington and the FAA used him to their best interest.
Colin Seftel 5
Any movie directed by Clint Eastwood will be worth seeing.

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Roy Hunte 2
Yes Peter, that is correct, but apparently on Cactus 1549, the button was never pressed and on post aircraft recovery, inspection showed that the water impact ruptured th fuselage, so the button probably would not have made a difference.

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Roy Hunte 1
That was a comment made on the documentary, Crash on the Hudson, What really happened. Haven't actually confirmed, sorry. Please notice I said 'apparently'.
ToddBaldwin3 3
Are you, by any chance, an attorney?
joel wiley 1
It is a matter of public record:
ToddBaldwin3 1
Thank you Joel. I guess I could have researched that myself. That explains a lot.
Roy Hunte 3
Was wondering the same, Todd.
Umm... you do know that Sullenberger was PIC when the landing happened, correct?

30west 2

I think you're interchanging the titles Captain, PIC, Pilot Flying, First Officer, SIC, Pilot Not Flying.

Sully was the Captain (in airline terms) and the PIC from the moment he signed in for the flight assignment that included that particular flight. Skiles was the F/O and SIC for the same period. Who was flying the jet did not have any impact on these titles and the responsibilities that come with them.

During the various legs of that trip, they exchanged roles of "Pilot Flying" and "Pilot Not Flying" (or "Pilot Monitoring" which some use). I read Sully flew the leg from CLT-LGA which makes sense since Skiles was flying the accident leg. Those roles have no bearing on who is the Captain & PIC or F/O & SIC, that doesn't change based upon who has his hands on the controls flying the jet. However, the duties of PF and PNF switch between the two based upon who is actually flying the jet.

On the accident leg, the F/O (SIC) was the Pilot Flying until the proverbial sh!t hit the fan and then the Captain took control of the jet and became the PF. That changeover of these duties had no effect on the fact that Sully was the Captain/PIC of this flight for the entire period of time.

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dee9bee 1
I read the previous to mean that Skiles, the First Officer, was the man giving the speech to his group, as opposed to Sully.

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Yeah. That's why us "fliers" have their PPLs, with some being CFIs, and others being ATC.

Nah.. We have nothing to do with real world aviation at all...

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Understood, but Peter's comment, like the one above and the other one above that, implies that Skiles was PIC after the birdstrike and subsequent ditching into the Hudson; as we all know, especially from that particular squawk here, that isn't true.

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You saying that Skiles "likes water landings" implies that he would have preferred the Hudson to landing at any other suitable airport, which wasn't an option. As Sully had the aircraft, it was his best judgment and decision, which lead to what took place.

How about working more on your choice of words so there won't be any misunderstandings of what you mean.

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