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Beechcraft Honors U.S. Bonanza Society with Custom G36

At the annual meeting of the American Bonanza Society this week during EAA AirVenture 2016, Textron Aviation unveiled its G36 Sport Package to honor the upcoming 50th anniversary of the Bonanza owners’ group. To be available next year, the custom interior and paint scheme will also honor the 70th anniversary of the Bonanza, which was first certified in 1947. ( Más...

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Interesting that they're "honoring their heritage" with a custom airplane when they won't acknowledge requests from enthusiasts and historians looking for information on their older models. Beech used to offer scale drawings of all their aircraft for modelers; now they won't even reply to inquiries.

I wonder how much the "new" paint job will add to the $759k price tag?
linbb 3
Isnt a Bonanza unless its got a V tail any other is a Debonair. LOL


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