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Farnborough: Boeing Awaits Airbus’ A350-2000 Decision to Launch 777-10X

Earlier today at the Farnborough Air Show, Boeing Commercial Airplanes (BCA) CEO Ray Conner confirmed that a stretch of the Boeing 777-10X is indeed technically feasible but it largely hinges on what Airbus decides to do with stretching its A350-1000. ( Más...

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Josh Schwartz 3
This is ridiculous: you are talking about planes that haven't been developed or even confirmed. The only true fact in the entire article is that Ray Conner confirmed that a 777-10x is technically feasible. Don't get me wrong: I like talking about the future, but this is pure speculation.

linbb 1
No your comment is but I guess its a treat to Airbust.
Torsten Hoff 5
What Boeing does should depend on what their customers want, not what their competition does. They either have demand and buyers, or they don't.
wx1996 -1
If go with the 777-10x will that not also be the admitting that 747 production should end?
linbb 1
That's kind of how it works if the demand is there are you on the board of Boeing?
Torsten Hoff 2
Again, that is something the market will dictate. The trend is clearly towards twins like the 787 and 777. The 747 had a spectacular run, but it doesn't make sense to keep the program alive out of nostalgia.

As existing 747 airframes are nearing the end of their useful lives they need to be replaced, and very few carriers are choosing models like the 747-8.


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