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3 pilots suspended for drinking alcohol before flying

Three pilots who were suspended by the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) for allegedly taking alcohol before operating their flights are to undergo a psychiatric evaluation before rejoining the service, the authority said on Friday. ( Más...

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David Inglis 1
Gentlemen, the rules are very clear

8hours bottle to throttle for moderate intake, i.e. Having wine with your meal etc. What is moderate is the question?

The fact that they were caught is a great step forward for passenger safety and recovering Nigerias reputation.
Saib Al-Kohaji 1
Oh one more thing They say quote "According to the rules, a pilot is prohibited from taking alcohol for at least three hours before flight time.". Again How much alcohol is allowed before three hours. What if he drank a whole bottle before three hours?

Saib Al-Kohaji 1
The question is how did they catch them? was it by chance or is it that they test them before flights? If not and were discovered by chance the next question is yet to come, how can we trust all pilots that they adhere to rules and regulations such as not drinking alcohol before flights. Are we safe?
Not funny highflyer
Highflyer1950 1
I guess the HiFly pilots were high!


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