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Flight recorder confirms fire on board Egyptair MS804

Data retrieved from the damaged flight data recorder of ill-fated EgyptAir Flight MS804 has confirmed there was a fire on board moments before the crash but experts say a technical fault is likelier than a terrorist attack. "Recorded data is showing consistency with ACARS messages of lavatory and avionics smoke," Egypt's Aircraft Accident Investigation Committee said in a statement. "Preliminary information shows that the entire flight is recorded on the FDR since its… ( Más...

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Wow, you guys are really missing the point. Do you not remember all of the governmental officials around the world that cried "Terrorism" the morning after the crash?? The only thing that served to do is panic people. I don't mind speculation on why an accident happened...I do the same thing myself. But for people in power globally to come our and air their speculations was a horrible thing to do.
Shame on those quick to jump to conclusions...
Martin Haisman 1
From an accident investigation view it is just factual information and as expected that draws no conclusions as to the cause of the accident. Not being part of the investigation the respected aviation sources are the only avenue of information. The best avenue is critical reading of the article, however if you wish to do a little research on the French legal system, BEA etc. you may resource back to the article for an educated comment on it.
bentwing60 1
The point of some of the more educated comments on accidents (from my standpoint) lies with the fact that if there is an FAA investigation (low priority, non fatal) the cause and factors as the FAA sees them will not be seen for 6 or more months. If there is an NTSB investigation (fatal) the report will not see the light of day for at least a year. For the low time aviator reading this forum, maybe some cogent observations from having been there, seen that will not be lost to the ghost of time. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck! I read your caveat below, so don't consider yourself the messenger in my sights.
I was making this statement more to the politicians & officials out there who cried "Wolf" at the very beginning. Nothing like whipping the people into a panic.

Colin Seftel 4
The article is from a respected engineering journal and quotes a statement of fact released by the official investigating agency. I posted it in order to keep the aviation community informed.
You're missing the point of my statement. See further below.
Highflyer1950 5
Agreed, but it is human nature to wonder about these things, especially if you have a connection to the industry. I actually like some speculation by those of us directly involved with aviation and you can tell who they are by their comments. To me, it is the back seat non pilot who has all the answers because they once saw an airplane on a computer desk top sim and managad to get it up and down! Now 2 cents worth, I sure hope some jackass didn't drop a lit butt down the garbage bin in the forward lav?
linbb 1
I agree with you this goes for just about every crash that is reported on here. There are many trolls who just surf to post.
Was kind of wondering about a problem that may have caused certain things to stop working preventing any transmissions from the AC. This has happened before and can happen again due to the fact every instance cannot be prevented in construction of anything.
Thanks for your statement goes a long ways.


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