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Bombardier sells water bomber division to Viking Air

A British Columbia company, Viking Air Ltd., has signed a deal to buy Bombardier's amphibious aircraft program, which has been on hold since December. Financial terms of the agreement were not disclosed. The deal will see Viking acquire the manufacturing rights for all variants of Bombardier's amphibious aircraft and assume responsibility for product support, parts and service. ( Más...

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Bill Butler 2
Regarding glang3's post. The video. Those guys work harder than a help pilot in a thunderstorm! Whatever they make isn't enough!

glang3 3
One of the coolest videos ever using the CL-415:
Cool indeed. Did you see the one of the burning truck on the Trans-Labrador Highway?
Put out before it started a forest fire.
I had not realised that Viking Air Ltd. even have the production licence right now for the four engine Super STOL Dash Seven, approx 150 of which were built. And long live the CL415!
Marsfan 3
I hope they keep making the CL-415. I have always loved those planes.

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Marsfan 2
I think you misunderstood me, I don't even have a pilot's license. They used to fly over my house to the nearby lake, and I loved watching them. Saw one at an airshow do loop-the-loops too.
Viking Air does a good job making new Twin Otters, they should be able to keep the super scoopers alive.
matt jensen 2
The boss has three on order.

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matt jensen 1
DHC-6 on floats. Wish they had some Dash 7's


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