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Piper Seneca pilot forgets to lower gear (Video)

A Piper Seneca in final landing and the pilot forgets put down landing gears. Five passengers in airplane. The accident occurred in a small regional airport in Brazil. ( Más...

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flypilot12 3
If you'll notice the person taking the video and taking "selfies" is sitting in the back and not the pilot. Landing with the gear down while it doesn't happen often, it one of the most common mistakes that is made in a complex aircraft. There is no evidence what this was a result of pilot distraction as the video maker is so far in the back of the aircraft that they were two rows BEHIND the pilot so could not really get in the way by doing what they were doing. It is still a plain and simple case of pilot error, and that happens on clear days, with standard pressure, low winds, and 10 mile visibility.
bentwing60 1
The long final helped!
Mike Mohle 1
Too busy screwing around with "selfies", I presume. I see automobile drivers doing this daily! Why does one think they need to drive their car with a phone in their hand? It is a 4000 lb. weapon.
bentwing60 -1
Sad to say "too stupid to know it", and educated locally!
Torsten Hoff 0
I don't speak Portuguese so I don't know what was said on the radio, but I assume there was communications with the tower. It seems they were just as inattentive as the pilot.
bentwing60 2
If your countin on the tower to do your checklist, your lookin in the wrong place!!
Mike Mohle 1
Funny, reminds me of being on short final going into KSAF with the "Check gear down" postings.

bentwing60 1
Joint use base.


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