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American Airlines makes emergency landing at O'Hare

An American Airlines flight made an emergency landing at O'Hare shortly after taking off at the airport Thursday morning. Flight 1487 to Reno was scheduled to take off from O'Hare Airport at 9:50 a.m. Chicago Department of Aviation spokesperson Karen Pride confirmed the Boeing 737 returned to O'Hare on standby, but would not confirm the reason for the emergency landing. ( Más...

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sparkie624 0
If you believe the media, I have some great land off the southern tip of FL. Great Price. LOL :)
Fletcher Reister 0
Did I hear the reporter say that the 737 held between 180 and 200 passengers? Wow! tight seat pitch. <insert sarcasm here> The -800 series is more like in the 150-160 pax range isn't it? Only the media <lol>

sparkie624 0
Lightining inspections (as being in maintenance) are very detailed and in depth. This is not a walk around inspect and kick it out the door. It takes quite a period of time to accomplish. I know from experience. I have worked these inspections before on the 737 and other a/c.
jcsflyboy 0
The aircraft was hit by lightning after takeoff. It was hit just below the F/O's window. Standard procedure to emergency land after a lightning strike just to be on the safe side.
Alex Clemons 0
American 737's aren't very lucky are they?
Jeff Lawson 0
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