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Incident: Okay B733 at Guangzhou on Apr 27th 2016, runway excursion during takeoff

An Okay Airways Boeing 737-300, registration B-2117 performing a cargo flight BK-3024 from Guangzhou to Xian (China), was accelerating the engines for takeoff from Guangzhou's runway 19 at about 04:09L (20:09Z Apr 26th) when the aircraft, at low speed, veered left off the runway and came to a stop on taxiway F2, within the runway protected area, about 200m/660 feet down the runway, with the right main gear and nose gear on soft ground. ( Más...

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Bernie20910 1
Ooookay then... I like the artistic swoosh to the tire marks.
No injuries, turned out okay...
Guessing a "run-away" on the right engine. Explains the tire tracks, crew standing on the right brake prior to killing engine.
SmokedChops 2
practicing for the International Figure Skating Trials. (The Romanian Judge gives it low marks for skill, but high marks for execution) Side not, starboard CFM56 should not have stopped to graze. It should have been fed before pushback.
Jim Quinn 1
Looks like a sort of ground loop situation to me.

ilikerio 1
The tire tracks don't make any sense to me.. Did the airplane do a 360 or something?
Bernie20910 2
The way I'm "reading" them (and I admit I'm no expert) it appears there was asymmetrical thrust (for whatever reason), with more thrust on the right than the left. The crew stood on the brakes but the high thrust from one engine caused one set of gear to skid along the ground. At the point where the tracks appear to reverse I think the aircraft stopped skidding and the thrust simply rotated it around the gear until it started skidding again.


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