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United brings back free snacks in Economy Class

United is bringing back complimentary snacks in Economy on flights in North and Latin America beginning in February – a decision we made in direct response to feedback from our customers and employees. “We’re refocusing on the big and little things that we know matter to our customers and shape how they feel about their travel experience,” said Jimmy Samartzis, United’s vice president of food services and United Clubs. ( Más...

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Tom Yablonski 1
I'd like to see airlines give up service entirely, in favor of free hot and cold water taps. Even for a long haul, it is easy to take enough tea, coffee, instant soup, snacks, and a few vodka shooters to make even a 16-hour flight completely pleasant. I've even brought whole hot pizzas through security with no problem. I'd rather they save the fuel and equipment costs associated with in-flight "dining" in order to lower ticket prices which could be put toward a really nice meal at the destination. As for in the air, I can generally put together a much nicer meal for myself, even with the TSA restrictions, than the airlines could. They should just save the cost and effort.
paul trubits 1
Tom: I guess you have missed the postings about the toxic waste they pass off as water on commercial aircraft.
kev wu 1
I thought they served bottled water...
paul trubits 1
It is the water that they make coffee and tea with that is bad.
Jamar Jackson 0
Awwww give them complaining passengers a cookie and some milk.
Ed Merriam 1
ho ho ho?
deafsea 1
I suspect that the fuel prices are much lower and they make a lot of profits at the moment. So, this may United to rethink and give a chance - hope that United will have more passengers in the stateside.
Beverage sales must be down in business and first class. I predict a modest "bump up" in ticket prices to, um, cover the cost of the snacks, plus the profits expected. You can bet any beverages to wash them down will see a price increase.

After all, no business can stay in business giving away their profits, and investors tend to replace CEO's when their dividend checks get smaller.

Ric Wernicke -1
The next thing that needs to change is to retire the flying grandma's that are eligible for Medicare and train some new FA's in the art of service.

Then they need to look at the fleet. I am happy to take a 737 for an hour or so, but not transcon in place of a twin isle jet. No one else does either.

Next make the price of a ticket include everything. Curb to curb. No ups, no extras. No change fees and make E-tickets fully endorseable and usable on any airline that wants to use US airspace. That will encourage competition. That will bring out the best in every airline.
As for your comment regarding FA's: I prefer FA's to be well trained and experienced. Besides, it's unlawful in the US to discriminate in the recruitment, training, hiring, promotion, and retention of employees based upon gender and age (not to mention a host of other factors irrelevant to the job). Doing so can put an airline out of business rather quickly just from the attorney fees, not to mention lawsuit judgments and fines, and the inevitable boycotts by customers. They aren't there to satisfy your sexual fantasies, they are there to keep your flight safe and comfortable, and to handle whatever scenario that comes up to insure those things as best as possible.

As for your requirement that airlines use larger aircraft on routes you fly, are you willing to pay for the extra fuel, not to mention the empty seats and additional FA's required to make that possible?

It would take far too long to explain how many ways the rest of what you want is unworkable.
Ric Wernicke 1
Really now. I said nothing about discrimination. The workforce should contain persons of either sex, and every age, (up to 65) and diversity. There are just too many old women passing for FA's. Experienced or well trained they cannot do the job in the event of an emergency. For the same reason pilots are kicked out of the cockpit at a specific age, FA's should find work on the ground when covered by Medicare. Safety is first, and the most important part of training and practice of any FA, but it is not mutually exclusive to good service. Contrary to your assertions about fantasy most passengers are interested in a high level of personal service. That takes training, and selection of men and women who have a natural ability to bring compassion for others to their job. I have difficulty finding those people, but the effort is worth it.

You postulate that larger aircraft are more expensive to operate. Perhaps you have not understood the economic fact concerning the economies of scale. The actual cost per seat mile is actually less on heavies and supers. The problem is that airlines want to monopolize their routes. That is why hub and spoke exists.

Empty seats is a problem. Perhaps 7 flights a day to NYC are not necessary. A couple of Jumbo's could do it at sensible hours with 97% load capacity. Keep in mind also that passengers are not the only source of revenue for a flight. The space under the seats often pays more than the passengers, and the twin aisle planes carry much more cargo and can take larger more profitable shipments.

Encouraging competition is not unworkable, but it is not covered by your union talking points.
Gotta keep some GILF's on hand...
Roy Thomas 2
Awww nuts
Jim Sinsky 2
Ash. A return to the glory days of flying. It is a start.
Complimentary ........that's funny!
deafsea 3
At last... However, I'd rather like to have healthy food.


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