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Gas from 2186 sheep forced plane to make emergency landing in Bali after setting off smoke alarms

A SINGAPORE airlines Boeing 747 from Sydney was forced to make an unexpected stopover after methane gas set off the fire alarm . The Aviation Herald reports the cargo flight from Australia to Kuala Lumpur, with 4 crew and 2186 sheep on-board, was flying just to the south of Indonesia when the smoke alarms sounded on October 26. ( Más...

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paul trubits 3
I guess they have never heard of Beano.
mnrobards 2
Must be some nice sheep to travel by air. Maybe the crew should have allowed more bleed air (fresh air) into the cabin.
matt jensen 1
Better than sending them by ship

mnrobards 1
This is getting off subject but I thought it might be of interest: I met a person who ships cows to Russia via Port of Houston on a special livestock ship. Last year the Russians wanted all the cows pregnant before they shipped out. It seems the Russian ranchers are having trouble getting American cows to breed.
matt jensen 2
It's hard getting them to eat potatoes and drink vodka


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