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American Airlines Shopping for New Dreamliner and 777 Business-Class Seats, Files Court Action Against Current Supplier

American Airlines said Thursday it will find a new supplier for business-class seats for some of its twin-aisle aircraft and filed a petition in court asking for permission to source seats from a second company. Zodiac Aerospace has been the supplier of lie-flat business seats used on the airline’s Boeing 787-9 Dreamliners as well as on recently reconfigured 777-200 airliners but has been slow in delivering them ... ( Más...

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alex kulak 1
AA thinks they are the world airline, don't get me wrong that they are the biggest airline in the world (i think, don't quote me on that) but i personally think united is a way bigger airline for world travel. Now i don't fly AA, or United, i tend to stick with SWA or DAL for the prices.

linbb 3
Costing Boeing money because they cannot deliver planes that have no seats. Time to move on to another company that can do the job.
preacher1 1
I don't know why they don't lean more toward Weber, just above DFW at Gainesville. IDK, they are heavy with Boeing and may be doing all they can do.


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