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Wizz Air confirms MOU for 110 Airbus A321neos

Fast-growing Hungarian low-cost carrier Wizz Air has formalized the memorandum of understanding (MOU) it announced at the Paris Air Show in June to purchase 110 Airbus A321neos. In a statement released Sept. 11, Wizz Air said the order was worth $13.7 billion at list prices, but said “Airbus has granted significant discounts.” The airline added that it retained its commitment to purchase a further 48 aircraft from Airbus, comprising 21 A320ceos and 27 A321ceos.The first Wizz Air A321ceo aircraft… ( Más...

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patrick baker 1
no- each seat is a lavatory.
Ric Wernicke 2
Whizz Air? You're never more than one seat from a lavatory?

patrick baker 1
European legacy carriers- shudder. European legacy airline pilots wake up and smell your rotting situation.


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