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Air NZ air fare wars lowest in decades

The airfare wars between the domestic carriers within New Zealand has not effected air new zealand at all. In fact it has back fired on it's rival Qantas/Jetstar who lowered airfares withing NZ. The price of a discount seat on Jetstar or Qantas NZ from AKL.WLG was $69.00 one way anyday of the week. Air New Zealand has now come out with the Koru fare on the same route for $29.00 one way this also includes the night rider fares at the same price. CEO Christoper Luxton said Jetsatr and Qantas… ( Más...

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tracytearata 1
Just to let FLIGHTAWARE kiwi members in NZ. Air NZ has had the nigh rider fares out for some time at $29 NZ one way from WLG/NZPM also AKL/CHC these operate after 10pm at night with no in flight meals. anz also have a happy hour sale on the web site daily at 11pm NZEST for a hour. Some fare go as low as $20NZ on certain routes. As for JETSAR/QANTAS they know they cannot compete with these fares but love making a big issue out of it with the MEdia here in NZ and in Australia.
zkokp777 1
I I flew from NZCH /NZAA yesterday Ito ly cost me $23.00 one way on ANZ Jetstar was $54 one way does not included 23kg baggage allowance

littleindia 1
Air NZ know the market very well but it's a tough and rough market with competitors there in New Zealand I am sure they will always sustain growth in any of there destinations. I can remember when I flew to AKL Ansett New Zealand was there just struggling to stay a float as did Qantas NZ which no it's budget carrier JETSTAR is trying to gain ground un successfully.


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