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El Al Orders 15 Boeing Dreamliners

El Al Israel Airlines announced plans to purchase and lease 15 Boeing 787 Dreamliners on Thursday. The order, worth approximately $900 million at list prices, would be the Israeli flag carrier’s largest ever. El Al also has purchase rights for 13 additional aircraft.... ( Más...

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miles wohl 2
Flying on El Al Monday. Still fly 767's to BOS and YYZ, and 777 have no programs on demand, and 747 haven't have a makeover since delivery in the 90's. About time new plane orders were placed.
James T 1
List price for single 787 is around US$225 million.

linbb 1
Ok so????
James T 4
15 x $225 million = $3.4 Billion, which is slightly bigger than $900 million...
joel wiley 1
$900/15 =$60 Mil. Do they get discounted that much? Even with a trade-in. Some numbers may be off.


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