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Malaysia confirms plane debris is from Flight MH370

KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak confirmed on early on Thursday that a Boeing 777 wing segment discovered in the Indian Ocean island of Reunion is from the missing Flight MH370, the first real breakthrough in the search for the plane that disappeared 17 months ago. "The international team of experts have conclusively confirmed that the aircraft debris found on Reunion Island is indeed from MH370," Najib said in a televised statement. ( Más...

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da dawson -7
If u dial up MH 370 on flightaware it clearly says it landed and the tracking ends in the exact location of a huge airport in Siuthern China. From day one, this was a wild goosechase, still is. The passenger manifest of over 20 radar defense contractors who had a pending billiin dollar patent (which ultimately was awarded to their company, not the families) is the real story behind this plane "disappearing". But then, people like simple explanations and go where the corporate owned media leads them. Not ONE media outlet showed the flightaware tracking, only their own version.

David Fenner 1
Yep, the whole world is in a big conspiracy. Especially the "Corporate Owned Media" . Is there such a thin as a media outlet that is not organized as a corporation?
Anyone dispute this ?

Removal of a flap and dropping it in the sea. What a novel idea ;)

John L.
Jim Quinn 1
And sit back and watch the chaos
James Scandlyn 2
There have been so many lies and mis-directions from these people it is hard to fathom why they even get reported now when they open their mouth.
Leave it to the experts to determine.
oowmmr 1
I didn't know they had flaperons. So the whole trailing edge moves as one?
Martin Haisman 3
As far as I can ascertain from tech ops they are "loose" in the slipstream/engine thrust on take-off. Then 'energised" about 30 seconds later. The outboard ailerons are locked at high speed and the flaperons control roll. Seem to work in conjunction with other control surfaces during landing then do their floppy thing during landing.
sparkie624 1
They work in conjunction with the Flight Spoilers. Ailerons are not totally locked out, but there movement is highly restricted at higher speeds.
oowmmr 1
Those are great. The floppy section if funny. He should mention that 4th section to one of the pilots.
Bob Moody 1
Are the flaperons from Flight MH-17 properly accounted for?
Jeff Lawson 1
None of the news reports I've seen actually mention the method of confirmation that was used. A serial number would be ideal...
donhun1313 5
The Prime Minister may have declard it so.......

HOWEVER the people actually examining the part have not.

His team of experts are mostly armchair quarter backs that have never even seen the part in question. Except for the pics posted all over the internet. And we all know that if it is one the internet it mst be true..
Martin Haisman 1
Malaysia are the state of occurrence and state of registry (ICAO Annex 13) and are responsible for the overall investigation and information. If the PM states the part is from 9M-MRO then they are acting under ICAO regulations so the part is from 9M-MRO. France the state of occurrence for the part, responsible but won't report until Malaysia has, and Australia is the state of occurrence responsible for the search, now that Malaysia has done its part under ICAO Annex 13 the BEA and ATSB can report as their chief investigator permits.
Ken McIntyre 0
As issue is emotionally charged, I think it is only fair that the Malaysian government make this announcement. After all, it was their plane.
Martin Haisman 1
The prime minister of Malaysia did this morning.
Margeaux K -2
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Malaysia: Plane Debris Is From MH370

Malaysia's prime minister confirmed today that the debris found on France's Reunion Island is in fact from Malaysia Airlines MH370, lost 17 months ago, reports CNN.


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