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Another Airplane Piece Washes Ashore in La Reunion

A piece appearing to be the plastic cosmetic housing for a commercial airliner's passenger Oxygen compartment has been found in the same remote Indian Ocean island as the previous flaperon. ( Más...

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linbb 1
Reading yet another blurb about it nothing has been confirmed by the French as to if it came from that flight let alone the junk washed up on shore or how long some of it has been there. Nothing more than copy generated without any substance.
Margeaux K 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Seat Cushions, Plane Window Appear on Reunion

The piece of plane wing confirmed to be from MH370 has company. In addition to a suitcase, Malaysia's transportation minister says "many items," including seat cushions, aluminum foil, and a window, have washed up on Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean, but experts have yet to prove the items are from the vanished jet, reports Deutsche Welle.
donhun1313 1
Your Source????

So far the photographic evidence shows it to be part of a sewing machine.

See the link in kdurbin's post below.
Martin Haisman 0
This has been confirmed as from 9M-MRO jointly today by the French Authorities, Bureau d’ Enquetes et d‘ Analyses pour la Securites de I’AviationCivile (BEA), the Malaysian Investigation Team, Technical Representative from PRC and Australian Transportation Safety Bureau (ATSB) in Toulouse, France
preacher1 2
English please
sparkie624 1
Internal part... That does not seem to make sense... Why that and not a lot other things...
Martin Haisman 1
The part has inside stringers, braces and strengthening.
sparkie624 1
I was thinking more of internal to the Fuselage...
Martin Haisman 1
As in where the whole flaperon is located.
sparkie624 1
The first part found was part of the Flapper-on, the 2nd piece was from within the Fuselage.
preacher1 1
What you mean by internal. Outside and part of flap is EXternal.
Martin Haisman 1
I am meaning the only way to identify the flaperon is to dismantle and identify the internal part serial numbers
sparkie624 1
Internal to the Fuselage... I would expect more parts from the Wings, Tail. The Fuselage was pressurized... Presumed intact on landing otherwise debris would have surfaced by now... Seat cushions float, seat assy are very well secured to the floor board, and the plastic container that holds the vest normally does not float... I would expect to see Seat Cushion Bottoms and the similiar, Luggage, and other items that have floating abilities...
preacher1 1
This was external, OUTSIDE, of the fuselage. I guess no other parts have not surfaced is either they did not break off or did not float to be picked up by currents. It will be interesting.
william baker 1
This looks like a internal piece of the aircraft. I am thinking like I said to someone yesterday it is part of the Call bell system if not where you store the passenger masks that deploy during a loss of cabin pressure. Its only missing the cover that falls down.
preacher1 1
He's talking about the original flaperon. Jury is still out on that piece you are talking about
william baker 1
O lol but I know it's not part of a sewing machine just by looking at it lol.
preacher1 1
I kinda agree with you but if we are right that is going to indicate a fuselage breach. Where is the rest of the stuff?
william baker 1
The fuselage could have landing in one piece and sunk the. Imploded and most of the debris is still at the bottom but some small few pieces floated to the surface and got traveled to the reunion islands. That would make since why the flaperon is still mostly intact. However before someone says it that's just my opinion it' may or may not be what actually happen to the aircraft.
preacher1 1
I can see the flaperon going away as it is an external part. Implosion or otherwise, it would still be a breach of the fuselage and a big part of the rest would be floating around somewhere
william baker 1
Well yes and no. If it imploded and the rest is crushed within the rest of the fuselage then you won't see much. Just like when a sub gets crushed after going to deep you see very little of the sub at the surface.

preacher1 1
It will be intresting
william baker 1
Take it this way. The 777 was built to withstand a impact. Take a look at Asiana 214 that aircraft cartwheeled and still the fuselage still remained intact yes they lost the engines and part of the tail but it withstood a beating no commercial aircraft should have survived. Now if mh370 did land soft enough and sunk in sure it would have gone quite a ways intact because of its strength and durability.
preacher1 1
Main ting that tickled me about 214, was that UAL &$& sitting there ready for take off. I They had the best seats in the house for that but I'll bet there were some dirty pants. LOL
william baker 1
It was amazing they didn't get hit with anything at all. That was a big shock to me
preacher1 1
Yeah, landing that close to the end. Touchdown point was way past there a ways.
The flaperon piece is from a 777. All 777 are accounted for (service, storage, scrapped)
Save 1....mh370.
Since the flaperon is essential for flight, why is this even a discussion
The wreckage of 370 is washing up on reunion island.
preacher1 1
Flaperon is an external piece with air pocket that may have broken off and floated around all this time. If it was a fairly soft landing/ditching as most are starting to believe, fuselage is probably intact and not much to wash up. If fuselage had broken open on impact, there would have been all kinds of debris around somewhere and probably fairly close together.
joel wiley 1
Circumstantial evidence. Let's wait for the report on the part to be translated into English. Matching part numbers is one thing, a match on serial numbers is another.
preacher1 1
Well, that flaperon was an external part. It seems to be a consensus on a fairly soft landing/ditching rather than straight in impact. If it had been a fuselage break up there would have been debris all over the place somewhere
Martin Haisman 1
Possibly as the rear is torn away indicative of being in the down position. Hopefully a full report will elaborate on this.
bbabis 1
The funniest part of this story is the last line. If the barnacles on the flaperon test to be older than the date MH370 went missing, that would rule out it coming from the accident plane. Obviously barnacle testing must be a very exact and precise science to make that statement. Sorry folks, don't know where it came from but its not from MH370. LoL!
Ken McIntyre 1
Looks pretty clean for being in the ocean for over year.
Martin Haisman 2
Its a sewing machine part. When will they stop reporting endless trash and get someone who knows about aircraft parts and stop reporting trash. First corrugated iron, a broken ladder, a kettle and Chinese bottles not sold in Malaysia. What is it supposed to be a shrunken window surround by sea water.
Kris Durbin 2
You're quite right. It had me fooled. However, I don't look at sewing machines everyday. Here it is:
Martin Haisman 1
He he not my forte either but did a search and came up with the closest match. Considering a 777 window is not that small and it doesn't match an overhead panel.
Martin Haisman 2
My cat sat on the keyboard ....a shrunken window by seawater...
joel wiley 3
It's a tough market to get your 15 minutes of fame lately. You gotta try what the newsies will swallow. I picked up a piece of plastic on the beach in Brookings OR yesterday. Probably not from MH370 tho'. I didn't call CNN. Speaking of which, your cat writes better copy than they do. 8-)
Martin Haisman 2
Yeah little bugger is 15 and has dementia. I am catching up with him.


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