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British Airways to fly Airbus A380 for Vancouver service

British airways to fly an a380 into Vancouver starting May 1st, 2016. ( Más...

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euronorb 1
Not sure where you get your Information from John, YVR is my local airport and I have been monitoring all flights In and out of YVR on my SBS radarbox for years, we do not get any BAW 777's here.
canuck44 1
Reading the published schedule from SkyGuide. Shows six Air Transat five days weekly at a variety of times, one Air Canada flight daily with a 777, BA 84 with a 747 and BA 86 daily except Tuesday and Wednesday with a 747. The article suggested they were using 777-200s when you correctly observed they were not using them as stated.

euronorb 1
BAW do not use the 777-200 on this route, Its a 744 all year round, Increasing to twice daily during the summer months, It will be nice to see a new aircraft still.
canuck44 1
They use both....747-400 daily and the 777-200 seasonally five days per week although you are right for at the moment they are using a 747-400 for the second flight.
canuck44 1
This will actually be a decrease in the number of available BA seats in that they are stopping their 777-200 five day per week flights indicating they have had lots of empty spaces on their 747-400 and 777-200ER service. Once summer is over it will be interesting to see with what they replace the 380 LHR-YVR for it will give an indication of their load factors.


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