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US official: Plane debris in Indian Ocean same type as MH370

WASHINGTON (AP) — Air safety investigators have a "high degree of confidence" that aircraft debris found in the Indian Ocean is of a wing component unique to the Boeing 777, the same model as the Malaysia Airlines plane that disappeared last year, a U.S. official said Wednesday. ( Más...

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Victor Engel 1
Was the current really anti-clockwise in the interim? Current currents don't seem to be:,-14.26,1000

I know almost nothing of Indian Ocean currents, but at first glance at this website, it appears to me there's not a strong current, like, say, the Gulf Current. If anyone knows of an online resource showing currents over the past year and a half, I'd be interested.
joel wiley 1
Try searching on Indian Ocean Gyre
Victor Engel 1
Sorry about my post not being properly threaded. Looks like the forum now offers two entry prompts, and I didn't see the second one. Anyway, yeah, I did some reading, and as I expected, the currents are basically very chaotic, with the Indian Ocean Gyre even reversing direction seasonally. I imagine things are not particularly close to mean conditions right now either, since we're in a strong El Niño, which affected ocean currents before the atmosphere. More relevant would be historical data rather than mean or typical data.

I did find an article showing southern ocean buoy tracks, which illustrates the chaotic nature of the currents very well:
joel wiley 1
As they say, that will make backtracking this flotsam 'non-trivial'
Graham Manley 1
The chaotic state of the ocean currents around the equator also must make the Maldives a possible source for the debris given the reported sightings there. If the plane had been flying low and slow on its last known radar checked westerly course, it might explain the timing of when it was apparently sighted over the Maldives just after dawn there. I am amazed that the Maldives possibility has been discounted for so long.
Latest report can be seen at
preacher1 1
There is always the possibility that this could be from some other plane that lost a flaperon that we never heard about, BUT, if it is from 370, the rumor and speculation mill will start all over again. As one is discounted, 2 more will surface. As we have done without anything official for over a year now, chances are we will be subject to it again.
Graham Manley 1
Reports now coming in that a plane door has been found on Reunion Island so if it is MH370 debris maybe will start to get more facts to work with rather than calculations, assumptions, guesses and theories.
Report at
so where is the dataplate? could the part have been planted?
sparkie624 1
The Data Plates are usually located on the end caps.. If memory serves, the outboard, but could be the inboard as well.
preacher1 1
Either way, aren't they mostly on the inside?
Roy Bliven 1
If Australians believe that it was a waste of taxpayers money to search for MH370, then why are you blogging to the world. Tell your government officials that they should not be spending your money.

On the rest of the the blogs I read here, it seems that the "experts" vs the people with enough knowledge to get themselves into trouble technology-wise, can agree to disagree with each other.
Leave the investigation to those who are aircraft experts to determine where the part came from!

Nobody can determine the cause or location of the MH370 crash OR if it did in fact crash in the Indian Ocean! Did it land in a country devoted to terrorism? Why did the pilot turn off locating instruments?
Many questions - few answers!
Geoffrey Luck 1
Roy, it's difficult to understand your comments, except that writing from residency in the U.S. you may not be familiar with what's happening in Australia. Politically there has been a determination to try to find what happened to MH370 - in part because 6 Australians were lost, but more importantly because the search area is in Australia's area of maritime responsibility. However there is mounting concern in Australia at the cost, especially as the Chinese are not contributing. The fact that they have indicated they will manage the recovery effort if the plane is found is not reassuring, as many believe an investigation and enquiry should be conducted by an independent body, or representative of a group of involved nations. There is a lot of politics in this behind the scenes, with China very critical and suspicious of Malaysia's suppression of data and important statements early in the affair.

The excitement about the discovery of the flaperon is simply because it proves the aircraft ended up in the Indian Ocean. It tells nothing about how, when or why. The experts you refer to decided long ago that the plane is on the bottom somehwere down that arc where it ran out of fuel after about seven hours, otherwise they wouldn't be spending money to find it. How it hit the water is really irrelevant. The only possible benefit that can come from finding the aircraft and its recorders is if there is a cockpit conversation that proves why the plane headed where it did, and who was responsible.
preacher1 1
Unless FA is automatically screwing up the comment placement, please use the REPLY function under the comment you are referring to.
Dee Lowry 1
Operator Error, Preacher!
joel wiley 2
That can't be discounted, but there does appear to have been some changes to the system operation. Previously, when you clicked on reply, it would immediately open the window in the appropriate spot. Also up-or-down voting likewise worked immediately. Now clicking either refreshes the page. Any comments marked 'new' are reset and you lose the ability to search on 'new'.
Graham Manley 1
I had the same problem. When clicking reply, it refreshed the page and positioned the curser at the top posting box. One has to scroll down to find the real "reply" posting box that had been generated. My reply to Davon Grant yesterday came out as a new post because of that - but now I have learnt to scroll down after the page refresh.
preacher1 1
Yeah, it opens 2 boxes, 1 new and a reply box to the actual comment. I have also found that I cannot just get out of it. I have to hit the back arrow twice to go back to a main screen. Support said they weren't having any trouble with it, so I just said to heck with it.
parisram007 1
Ok here is the reliable source and MAS has also confirmed it's there aircraft with the part number now they will have a full search going for this
jal6010 1
News came in on our TV channel here in NZ. They say it is a part from MH370 it matches up to the production line number from Boeing who have also confirmed that this belongs to this missing aircraft. This has a similar incident a few years back when Air France lost there A330 aircraft deep in the ocean a year later they found the wreckage as debris stared floating to the top of the ocean surface.
Martin Haisman 1
Did they state the source as definitive. The Investigative team would release an official statement. Can't find anything official from the ATSB, BEA or Malaysian Ministry of transport.
jal6010 1
Sorry people I am not downing Airbus but this is a similar incident but Air France wasn't pilot suicide this one looks to be that of MH370
Annie lewis 1
If you remember there were reports of this aircraft seen over Maldives?? Did anyone take it seriously?
Martin Haisman 1
No because the time zone difference meant their "sighting" was completely out of sequence with the flight profile.
William Heck 1
Hypoxia, on auto pilot until no fuel, glided into the Indian Ocean. Why the hypoxia?
Dee Lowry 1
I agree with you William. What a way to go down.
Terence Rucker 1
On a serious note, this will help a bit as the currents in that part of the Indian Ocean are well understood. Perhaps analysis will help clear up whether MH370 came apart in the air or upon impact with the ocean.
chudddds 2
so , exactly how does this get there from pakistan ?
joel wiley 1
Hard to say. Maybe the FED EX bar code was too badly water damaged to read.
They had plenty of time to put it on a barge and "drop it over". Still no one is really talking about the twenty some odd physicists who were on the flight.
Terence Rucker 3
Terence Rucker 2
M.F. LaBoo -5
T'as de la merde pour des cerveaux
sparkie624 1
The International Language in Aviation is English, it was made that way after WWII.
AWAAlum 3
I did an online translation - in this case, it's best it wasn't in English. It's completely uncalled for, irrelevant, and disrespectful. I'm curious who gave it an up vote.
joel wiley 1
Not to mention the wrong person, it should have been 'Je suis ...."
sparkie624 1
LOL, and up vote... LOL... Down vote from me... I do not even give these types of messages the respect to decode it... They are just to stupid to be taken seriously.
Graham Manley 2
Presumably from where it was found - Reunion Island which is a French Department, i.e. a French territory fully governed by France. The airport there is Roland Garros Airport.
Davon Grant 1
Does anyone know which country the flaperon is being flown from?
It bothers strongly Malaysians and Australians that debris have been found by the French in France!
They should know by now whether or not this part is from the missing airliner. I work for an aerospace supplier in Michigan and part marking is a very important part of the traceability process. What is taking so long?
sparkie624 1
You are correct... From working on this class of a/c for 30 Plus years, ALL Ailerons, plus about 90% of the parts on the a/c are serialized and this includes the wheels, flaps, leading edge devices, and more parts than you can imagine... If it is a big enough for a part and s/n, it pretty much has one stamped somewhere and is traceable to that particular a/c. Airlines are required to keep the p/n & s/n of individual parts documented with they are changed out for any reason (Time Change, Failure, Company Convenience).... Once the part is secured and the part number/serial number is verified, it will be cross referenced with the known parts on that a/c... This should have been done in the field, unless there was build up of sediment that they were in fear of damaging the number during removing the derbies.
Mark Lansdell 1
Now you know "they" don't trust any old A&P to read a 4 digit s/n and report it officially. I think I heard the wing section was sent to France and is now under guard waiting for an official investigator to examine it and read the s/n and report it as part of his/her official capacity.

Ain't egos just grand?
preacher1 1
Let's blame it on the French. LOL
lucie PIANETTI 0
joel wiley 1
Google translate fait un bon ami
preacher1 2
Tesla Roadster 1
preacher1 2
Bing makes a lot more sense.
wayne chester 1
It could be from an earlier Ethiopian 767 crash.
preacher1 1
CBS just said they were sending this flaperon to Toulouse France the center of French aerospace industry. Wonder why they sending a Boeing part to Airbus?
preacher1 1
I guess I'll answer my own question in that Reunion Island is either owned or controlled by France.
James Carlson 1
By the Chicago Convention, an accident or incident is investigated based on where it happens. Finding the piece on French territory (presumably) makes that part of the accident scene, and their obligation. In any event, DGAC has a great deal of expertise, and I'm sure they've got Boeing's phone number written down somewhere.
joel wiley 1
And since they use the same alphabet, there should be no translation problem reading any serial numbers on parts.
RECOR10 -5
French intellect has never been very highly regarded world wide.
stjohnsguy 2
Yeah, a lot of nitwits such as Descartes, Fermat, Pointcaire, the Curies, Napoleon Bonaparte AND they backed the revolutionaries in the American Colonies in 1776.
Martin Haisman 2
By who?
Anyone - what is the term? "Organ meat eating surrender monkeys" (being as the Germans only left organ meat and snails behind...)
Martin Haisman 1
The French palate is gourmet compared to obese US burgerville. They make made one mistake putting a side stick in an airliner cockpit.

Aside from the rabble as for any investigation the part has to be carefully inspected, dismantled and inspected and all internal part numbers matched with maintenance records and if an original part Boeing manufacturing numbers. The part is being flown to Toulouse and members from the Malaysian Ministry of Transport, Boeing and the ATSB have to fly there to inspect and verify.

Same as the accident is in Australia's Territory, the part as found in French Territory so ICAO 13 recommendations make it's their responsibility. I'm sure the BEA has the expertise and intellect to concisely undertake the analysis.
NTSB only goes if there were US Citizens on board yes? That said, I know even the 747 incident years ago at Tenerife was "solved" by US "scientists", or so the History Channel would have me to believe.
Martin Haisman 1
The NTSB is not normally invited to a BEA investigation unless their expertise is needed, which I doubt in this case when the BEA has the expertise and Boeing and a rep from the ATSB will be there.
sparkie624 1
Not entirely true... If it is a US manufactured plane and they are invited by the investigating country they will attend. The NTSB did attend Tenerife, but the local government rejected their findings because they did not want to deface the KLM captain.
Iain Girling 1
All experts so far suggest this IS from a B777. If the investiigations show this is NOT from the missing Malaysian aircraft, which one has it come from......
Martin Haisman 1
Ethiopian Air 961 a 767 which has the same flaperon part
Graham Manley 1
Could the location of this wreckage, if it is confirmed to be from MH370, give more credibility to the reported sightings at the Maldives on the day that it was reported missing?
alexei fromin 1
MH370 didn´t crasch.
Martin Haisman 2
Yep its still flying around.
There is also reports of more debris coming up or washing up on shore. I noticed another squawk has a link to this. I this is true and correct then th downed airliner will be out there around the island somewhere
Dee Lowry 1
I meant "FDR"...type-o! Really does it really matter if it's a "flaperon"? It's a part of the aircaft. The currents of the "Indian Ocean can take anything anywhere.
Dee Lowry 1
I agree with you Ric. The N.T.S.B has to find the CVR and DVR. The families need answers. The world needs answers. As to the pax and crew...they will not be recovered but they're souls are alive. I feel we have to look at Pilot "Profiles".
sparkie624 1
I think that we may already ahve the answer.... Besides, it will be up to the Malaysian Government... The NTSB being on foreign grounds (or water) that the NTSB does not have any authority here... There is no reason that the US should boot this bill.. Also, I think you meant FDR, not DVR :)
Ric Wernicke 1
With all due Respect Geoff, 239 souls deserve to be found and reverently be laid to rest. The billions who will fly in the future are owed our best effort to investigate and find answers and solutions to fatal crashes.

This is what people do. The expense is really incidental when lives are at stake.
At this point lives are not at stake. They are presumably already lost.
Dee Lowry 1
I agree "tracytearata". The airplane part has a part # and a aircraft number.If it's MH370.Boeing is saying it is.Like you mechanical fault of the aircaft. It was a premeditated suicide.
parisram007 1
I also agree with you Dee and Tracytearata with you on this here is the official news and MAS has admitted it's there B777
parisram007 1
tracytearata 1
From my point of veiw I would say it is pilot suicide and in no way the fault of the airplane itself as a Flightaware member said scrolling down that the captain flew off course over Padang his home town th n turn back heading out to the ocean and crashing it into the sea and yes this is a B777 part so it must be the or belong to MH370 B777 no other B777 has lost a part this big they should start searching this island the wreckage will be around there some where in many prices
Afandi Yussof 0
Hopefully the remaining parts also within the island.
Dee Lowry 1
Personally, I feel it was a "Sky Pilot" suicide. Hypoxia put all pax and crew to death and he went with it. And another thing, the Indian ocean is a junk yard. But I feel this 777 part is MH370. Time will tell.
panam1971 1
Sounds like a good job for Dirk Pitt and the NUMA crew.
MH370 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

MH370: Experts investigate Indian ocean plane debris

Sixteen months after Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 vanished, a piece of an aircraft has been found on Reunion in the Indian Ocean.

French officials are examining it, and the airline itself says it is too early to speculate on its origin.

Andy Moore reports.
Martin Haisman 1
Still has to be taken to a secure area, analysed for impact damage and dismantled to confirm internal part numbers.
Ronald Spencer 1
From day one the oceanographers said that ant wreckage would wash up ion that area and it now looks more likely that the hull is in one piece on the bottom of the ocean otherwise there would have been lifejackets found
sparkie624 1
He made a nice soft landing, everyone already probaby dead because he would have depressurized the plane, soft landing, doors all closed up.. Floated to the bottom.. Probably covered up with ocean debris by now and when it is found it will most likly be by accident... Which again is what I said on day one and no one believed me.
Ronald Spencer 1
It will be visible as so far they have found shipping containers and a shipwreck big task will be raising it
sparkie624 1
Keep in mind that the Captain (or pilot) that landed it most likely had sea charts and knew where the deepest and calmest waters would be... Planing a head of time would have given him an excellent advantage.. The Deeper the harder it will be, and since they pretty much know it is pilot suicide, they may elect not to spend the money to pull it up... By now the FDR and CVR data will be questionable and no reason to research for a fault with the plane... HE was many miles off course and it is obvious that this was a blatant act. Someone will have to pay for its recovery and to what benefit other than to recover the bodies for the families... Also, keep in mind from other a/c lost at sea at great depths as well as ships that many times raising they will split and fall back to see... Maybe it would be more fitting to have that location untouched and designate it as a memorial for the lost and let them "Rest In Peace".

chalet 1
Never heard that airline pilots were issued sea charts, except of course the Pan Am, Boac and other airlines flying Boeing and Sikorsky boats.
James T 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

MH370 search: Malaysia almost certain debris found is from Boeing 777

Malaysia is "almost certain" that plane debris found on Réunion Island in the Indian Ocean is from a Boeing 777, the deputy transport minister said Thursday, heightening the possibility it could be wreckage from missing Flight MH370.
matt jensen 1
Friends were vacationing on the island until last evening. Further searches have been suspended - here's why:

"Le Piton de la Fournaise, one of the most active volcanoes in the world and a main tourist attraction on the Reunion island, was evacuated Thursday as authorities warned of an imminent eruption. The island's volcanic observatory, OVPF, registered a spike in seismic activity in the volcano, noting that the volcano was spewing out a large amount of gas and that the shape of the crater was changing in shape. The report prompted authorities to issue an alert, warning of "a probable and imminent" eruption, and forced the evacuation of tourists and locals near the caldera of the volcano. The volcano, the name of which translates into "The Peak of the Furnace", has already erupted twice this year; in February and in May, with the episodes lasting a few days each."
stjohnsguy 1
That certainly sounds like US Government skulduggery in progress!
Kris Durbin 1
NEW THOUGHT: I haven't seen anybody discuss this yet, but if this turns out to be from MH370, then we have conclusive evidence that the aircraft hit the water with force and broke up. It is possible that the flaperon was used to control the descent and took the most force on impact, leaving the hull intact, but let's be honest with ourselves: if this was the only piece to break off the plane, what are the odds that it was actually found?
sparkie624 1
That is the scenario that I presented on the first day that everyone said no way... He had the simulator to practice with a full cockpit, instruments, and 4 monitors setup... He also had plenty of time to plan... He could have easily set down in the water where no one knew where he would be. By the time anyone had a clue, he would have sunk to the bottom of the sea... Totally in tact.... Sculley did it in an Airbus, Why could this idiot not done it in a 777... He could have had all of the sea charts showing the current... I predict that he will be found some day, but it won't be because they are looking for him... It will be by accident.
Kris Durbin 1
I know this has been discussed, but the point I was trying to make is that nobody expected to find any parts floating around. Like I said, it is probable that he had the flaps extended in his descent, but what are the odds that just one piece broke off, stayed buoyant, and was found a year later on a tiny island in the Indian ocean 4,000 miles away? I am guessing this scenario is less likely than a more catastrophic impact, but then again, where are the other parts? It's just interesting speculation. To this point, I completely agree: like this piece, the remaining wreckage will probably be found on accident.
sparkie624 -1
Pretty good.. Look at Sculley's landing in the Hudson... He did not loose any parts on landing, and an engine only came off when they were trying get the plane out of the water.
babyracer 1
There is a vast difference between putting an aircraft down safely and intact on a flat river and on open ocean.
As for Flight 1549 coming to rest completely intact - that is an utter fallacy.
James T 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

MH370 search: Debris found in Indian Ocean being sent to France

Air safety investigators — one of them a Boeing investigator — have identified the component found on the French island of Reunion, east of Madagascar, as a “flaperon” from the trailing edge of a Boeing 777 wing, the U.S. official said. Flight 370, which disappeared March 8, 2014, with 239 people on board, is the only 777 known to be missing.
des quinn 1
And that will help all who lost soles on the flight.
Dee Lowry 1
Amen, des quinn. Time will tell.
des quinn 1
Dee L thank you people need to move on at let the correct people make a statement all the rest of us must wait AND STOP THINKING YOU KNOW WHAT WENT WRONG R.I.P. Flight crew , cabin crew & PAX
Dee Lowry 1
des quinn. I'm not speculating. Let the N.T.S.B. , Boing figure out this unfortunate accident out. And yes, I feel for the lost souls and crew members.I was a fight crew member for 30 years and my heart breaks when this happens. Doesn't matter what airline. I feel we are an aviation family.yes R.I.P. to all onboard.
Martin Haisman 1
The NTSB is only assisting the ATSB (AUST) mainly in the satellite group. Australia is responsible for the accident is their territory (ICAO 13)and France is responsible for the wreckage flaperon was their territory.

So Malaysia is the state of registry, Australia is the state of accident and French Territory is the state where the wreckage was located.
des quinn 1
What airline were you flight crew for ?
Dee Lowry 3
United Airlines. I flew Flight 175, 93 and 232. Wasn't my time. I flew 232 the prior month with Capt. Al Haines. Dodged alot of bullets in my 30 years.We blew #2 on a DC-10 out of Toronto.Same as Al but they modified the hydraulic systems...therefore we still had control. On Take off we blew #2 at 500ft. Leveled out and put the Bird back to Toronto. Didn't know it but we had a external flame from #2...which didn't register in the cockpit also a a fire in the wheel well. Got foamed and evacuated. Great job from the cockpit crew and cabin crew. 387 souls on board. Didn't lose anybody. Evac was less than 90 secs.
Jose Suro 3
An aircraft mechanic in Reunion examined the item and found and access panel labeled 657-BB. That matches perfectly with the access panel depicted in the maintenance manual posted here and can be found on page 235. And yes it is from the FLAPERON for those who say the the 777 has none...
Jose Suro 2
From Twitter:
preacher1 3
Well, if it turns out to be from 370, the location will still be lacking but it ought to indicate that the plane is down, out there somewhere, rather than still flying around, or captured, as some conspiracy theories have suggested. Problem is, if it is 370, there will just be another ton of theories jump up.
joel wiley 3
It will, however, close out that class of conspiracy theories which contain a shallow mass grave alongside a runway deep in Somewhereistan.
C Anderson 1
My guess is that, aside from the odd small bit that shows up from time to time, all we'll ever have is theories about the fate of 370. Which of the hundreds of theories one latches on to will depend largely, I suppose, on the axe one wishes to grind. A theory must conform to the grand narrative of things or else it is just a wild speculation. Now they've found a small piece of what is possibly 370, but it cannot point us to the location of the wreckage or to the cause of the crash. You can be sure that more theory will soon follow, however, serving once again only to demonstrate how much some headline-grabber knows or doesn't know about a 777. As for me it goes something like this: 370 crashed in the deep ocean. We'll likely never know exactly where or precisely why. My thoughts are that our issue is now more about what lessons are possible and will we apply that knowledge? Our greatest hope is for closure, but we not not get it this time.
Mark Lansdell 1
The conjecture has already begun. I heard a statement last night, Friday night, that this part proves the aircraft was purposefully landed on the sea rather than crashed into it.
preacher1 1
Well, I think it has pretty much been accepted as a soft landing rather than straight in impact for whatever reason, for a good while. I kinda think most of that stems from lack of debris. That said, all else as to why is what has been source of speculation and will continue. If they can tie this piece to 370, the most it will do is indicate it is down out there in the ocean somewhere rather than held captive on Diego Garcia or up in the "Stan" somewhere held by rebels.
Martin Haisman 1
All it means from internet images is the flaperon did not appear to have frontal impact damage. It was still torn off so could be any velocity impact. The wreckage needs to be found and of course a magic FDR find would tell all.
preacher1 5
I think I'm just gonna take a wait and see. Life will go on whether they find it or not. I started out thinking that very first turn may have been for a problem as it was a direct line with an alternate airport, but then, as it crossed the peninsula, all the turning appeared to be directed by somebody. Whether hijacked, pilot suicide, gov't induced or whatever, I feel that it crashed into the ocean. This is a current thing if this piece is from 370 and it will take some long hours of reverse engineering to locate source of origin, if they can. They we 2 years on AF447. We should not get in a hurry on this one.
linbb 1
At the present time the people who so far according to the story that have looked at it I would not say even know other than some airplane the type. Some lady reporter said it was a flaparon don't know how to spell what she said. Did it have interconnected ones? Also seems to be a segment of a flap that some AC have due to the angle of the trailing edge and the way they are hinged but beyond that it is hard to tell what it is.
Geoffrey Luck 6
Discovery of this flaperon establishes only one thing - that MH370 finished in the Indian Ocean. It tells us nothing about where or why. Washing up on Reunion covered in barnacles is consistent with the anti-clockwise movement of the South Equatorial Current and 16 months is about the right time for it to have drifted. The big question is: Is the underwater search over a vast area a waste of money? Even if the fuselage is found, even if the FDR and CVR are found, what will they tell us? Even if they confirm the plane was deliberately flown on that course until it ran out of fuel, what will it tell us about why? Many of us in Australia believes that the $60 million spent so far is a waste of money, and now the search area is to be extended. This is nothing more than aviation tragics using taxpayers money to play with underwater toys for no good purpose.
Martin Haisman 1
Except there a survivability aspects to examine as fortunately there are few waterborne heavy aircraft accidents. Its important to eliminate other causal factors - maintenance errors/aircraft defects etc. And most importantly a place for the passengers families to go to say goodbye.
Geoffrey Luck 1
Martin, I'm sorry to say that none of those things warrants the ridiculously expensive search which has only a 20% chance of success and cannot answer the main questions even if it does. Maintenance and aircraft defects do not come into this. The aircraft was taken off course and its communications disabled by human intervention. Personally I have no time for the sentimentality of this "saying goodbye" business, but in this case do you seriously suggest families going to an unmarked patch of desolate ocean many thousands of miles from land, on the basis that their loved ones ended up on the seabed 7000 metres down?
Martin Haisman 2
I am versed in aircraft accident investigation with university studies and years of amateur aircraft accident investigation study. Of course there is indication of human criminal interference with deliberate flight profile and altitude changes but it still other contributing factors have to be eliminated. I'm not sure where you got the 20% from - Might pay to study Inmarsat data and associated implications.

Personal opinions, mine or yours do not come into play regarding accidents. Many relatives have visited shipwrecks to do the same. Diplomacy must be exercised when dealing with relatives. Approximately 70 bodies were recovered two years after the crash of Air France 447.

There will be a point once the 120,000 sq./km has been searched where the search will stop. Whether the piece found is from 9M-MRO of Ethiopian Air 961 there is no way to reverse calculate drift. So the search continues as is until then.
Geoffrey Luck 1
I am surprised you are still peddling the idea that the flaperon could be from the Ethiopian plane. The first entry on this thread identified the part as from the starboard wing of a 777. Since then the Malaysian authorities have confirmed it's a 777 part and as far as they're concerned it's from their aircraft.

I see you are also an expert on ocean currents. The UK Hydrographic Office is right now undertaking a study you say is impossible - retro calculating drift in the Indian Ocean. Personally, I don't see where it will help.

The 20% chance comes from the fact that $78 million has been spent and found nothing. The budget runs out at $90 million. I'm com pletely au fait with the Inmarsat theory and calculations. They have their sceptics. The real scancal is that China, which had more nationals on the plane than any other country (Australia had 6) has contributed nothing to the search cost, leaving Malaysia and Australia to pay for it.
Martin Haisman 1
I am not peddling anything but there has been no official confirmation from the Malaysian Ministry of Transport, BEA or ATSB. It is not possible to retro anything as there are circular currents, storms, cyclones and it is not sure if the part was a floater affected by wind, or partially submerged and where did it travel for over a year?

The first stage of the search which is more than 75 per cent complete, has cost Australian taxpayers more than $30 million AUD, with Malaysia tipping in $29.6 million equivalent AUD. Their expected Australian budget over two years is 79 million AUD and an equivalent Malaysian input. What do you expect from China. They have a gamble going stating they will pay/undertake the wreckage recovery operation.
Geoffrey Luck 1
There is no meed for BEA or ATSB to say anything::

Malaysia Airlines told the Malaysian government on Friday the wreckage is definitely from a Boeing 777, citing an identification number.

"This could be the convincing evidence that MH370 went down in the Indian Ocean," said Malaysia's deputy transport minister Abdul Aziz Kaprawi.
Martin Haisman 1
"Could be"....... Nothing has been official and the last call was confirmation will not be until Wednesday. I sincerely hope the part is from 9M-MRO but until the official word is out, just like everything in accident investigation patience.
stjohnsguy 2
Of course the conspiracy nuts all ready know that the passengers were taken prisoner when the plane landed at Diego Garcia and the the plane was taken out and ditched by the autopilot ... We are beaming those thoughts to them, correct?

MH370 1
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Indian Ocean debris almost certainly from a Boeing 777 - Malaysia

Malaysia is "almost certain" that plane debris found on Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean is from a Boeing 777, the deputy transport minister said on Thursday, heightening the possibility it could be wreckage from missing Flight MH370.

Malaysia Airlines was operating a Boeing 777 on the ill-fated flight, which vanished without a trace in March last year while en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing in one of the most baffling mysteries in aviation history. The plane was carrying 239 passengers and crew.
BOAC747 3
According to the Australian investigations team who have rush to this island. It definitely is a B777 piece of aircraft I wonder how the CEO of MAS is holding up now evidence is surfacing out there boy they will have a real good class action law suit on there hands and this corrupt Malaysian Government didn't want the wreckage found. I always said what goes around comes back around. It would be a haunting feeling to see or to come across the wreckage of this airliner as they did with the Air France Airbus A330 after months of searching and found it.

What gets me why on earth they didn't look in this direction suspicion still surrounds this. But if they recover the plane it will be in lots of pieces ant the sea floor But what about the cargo?? with a container of these batteries>?? which they say might have brought the plane down. But I really think this was pilot suicide on behalf of this captain who strangely flew the plane off course over Padang before turning back out to sea>//
Dee Lowry 1
I agree with you Sparkie.Very unfortunate but at least the families will soon know what happened.There is never "closure" for the families. Just continued grief due to a professional that, for some reason , lost it and took 239 souls with him.
ADXbear -6
We need a serial number NOT the PART number to identify it to that B777 assigned as Flight 370.. The we will know that is was from that flight//// part number is not going to be 100% as there were other 777 and Airbus down in those waters over the years..

Boeing will have an master listing of all the serial numbers used on each aircraft for traceability purposes such as this investigation..
Quackers 3
What are the other 777's down in those waters? As far as I can remember....
There was the BA crash of a 777 at Heathrow
There was the Asiana at SFO
There was MH 370
There was MH 17 in Europe.
zippy23 1
Tell that to CNN. They're still saying this could be the wreckage of a different
777 that crashed in that area. Unbelievable.
joel wiley 3
Until they find a serial# on a part that conclusively identifies the aircraft from which it came, it remains speculative. CNN's goal is for you to watch the ads of their sponsors, not provide meaningful information.
stjohnsguy 1
Somebody with money could have 3-d printed the part! Personally I want to hear what The Donald has to say about it. (If elected, will he be The POTUS?)
Arthur Roberts 1
Yup, you're correct, only 3 fatal crashes of the 777, and to our knowledge, only MH370 was near water and not recovered of those 3. So I have a feeling its going to be proven to be part of the outboard flap structure. I fly the 777 all the time and it certainly looks like it.
Quackers 4
Hopefully it brings some closure for families / puts an end to the bizarre conspiracy theories etc.

Even if its part of MH370, you still have to find the rest of the plane, in tough waters (remember that South African 747 Combi crashed in this area of the world). It will be incredibly expensive (on top of the already huge price tag) and difficult. (IIRC they didn't even find both boxes for SAA 295). Could be one of those things like that Varig 707 that just up and up was never found.

But then again, I'll wait until its confirmed. Been there a few times with oil slicks, seat covers, wire masses so on and such forth.
matt jensen 1
Well, it's a long damned way from original search area off Perth - Reunion Island is over 5999km.
flypilot12 1
They keep saying flaperon here. Unless I am wrong, which I could be, a777 has inboard and outboard ailerons, and a separate set of flaps, and does not have flaperons like you would see on say, an F-16 which does only have flaperons.
BigTuna 1
The inboard ailerons droop along with the flaps depending on flap and speedbrake position. The maintenance manual does refer to them as flaperons so it's technically correct.
Peter Fryscak 4
Is it possible this is from Ethiopian Airlines Flight 961? That was a 767-200ER.
Martin Haisman 1
Yes possible both 767 and 777 have "flaperons" and 961 was close enough to have drifted around the corner.
Kris Durbin 1
U.S. "Experts" have confirmed that this part is, in fact, from a Boeing 777.
Kris Durbin 10
The part number matches the right side wing trailing edge flap fairing as a part number in the maintenance manual. See page 220.
BOAC747 1
They are still determine this evidence to see if it fits with the serial numbers of this particular aircraft. But I agree with you. This is the only piece of a B777 to be found no ther B777 has lost a huge part like this over such a large area or we would all know about it if this was the case. Boeing are onto this at the moment many parts of the B777's have ID serial numbers which are visable when they are in for C checks or D checks engineers see this.
sparkie624 -3
You are correct... However, in the article they say a "FLAPERON" of which the 777 does not have... UGH, reporters are idiots. The part most certainly looks like an outboard flap assembly.

The shape that the flap was indicates a smooth controlled landing at sea which collaborates that it was "Pilot Suicide" and was planned a head of time.
Jeff Lawson 3
The maintenance manual does refer to them as flaperons so it's technically correct.
BigTuna 2
On the 777 the inboard ailerons droop with the flaps in some situations so technically they are flaperons. But since that behavior changes depending on flap and speedbrake position they're not flaperons in the traditional sense.
sparkie624 1
That makes since, and looking at more pictures in other articles, it looks more like a flap anyway... I am surprised that they chose to make them Flaperons as this would remove some control from the plane at lower speeds, but then again the computer is probably handling most of that.
btweston 1
That's hardly the point here.
krafsurjoe 2
Just in case people are wondering it sounds like the authorities said there was a number BB670 on the debris...which matches perfectly
Francois Gr 1
local media on the island (incl. pictures) have reported the number is 657-BB, so "flaperon leading edge panel" if that's true
Kris Durbin 3
Thanks for the clarification! yes, The Daily mail reported that the piece had a number imprinted on it "BB670". In the Boeing 777 maintenance manual above, in section 06-30-00, on page 220, the right side wing trailing edge flap fairing assembly (part class 670 as shown on page 222), matches. This promotes the likelihood that this part comes from the missing plane.
chalet -8
There is one report stating that "BB670" is the C/N of a Beech King Air 200 formerly N17VA or N7VA both de-registered. Personally I don't quite feel that this piece belongs to a B777 and my reasoning is that the rivets are very clearly seen when jetliners' components are either fusión welded and/or flush riveted which you can´t see.
sparkie624 3
That part is WAY too large for a King Air of any kind...
Ken McIntyre 1
Yeah, a King Air on steroids.
Matt Mckee -5
You have either never seen a kingair 200, or are a complete idiot if you have. I've worked line service for 6 years that is not a wing or flap from a kingair.
I think he got confused and looked up a serial number of BB670 which is the part number here.
joel wiley 18
I'm still holding out hope it matches a Lockheed Model 10 Electra...
Kris Durbin 1
Talk about off course!
matt jensen 1
like 2000nm from orig search area!
sparkie624 0
Well, it has had a long time to float around the world... LOL...
James T -2
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Broken plane wing found on a La Reunion island could be from missing flight MH370

Part of a plane wing has washed up on a remote island near Madagascar, raising speculation that it could be from missing flight MH370.

The debris is believed to be part of a Boeing 777 – the same model aircraft as the ill-fated Malaysia Airlines plane.

Read more:
Torsten Hoff 3
>> Investigators will use flight tracks to try and identify where the piece originated.

Yeah, those flight tracks have been really useful so far...

More likely they will examine the serial numbers on the flaperon and see if it is from MH370. I think the chances are really good, I don't recall any reports of airlines reporting a missing flaperon.
Margeaux K -2
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Plane Debris Washes Ashore, Eyed for Links to MH370

Debris has washed up on an island in the Indian Ocean and is raising hopes that the fate of the Malaysian passenger jet that vanished last year might finally be known—though it wouldn't be the first false alarm.
GitseBase 2
In English
doyleaj -3
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Wreckage found in La Reunion. Looks like a 777 flaperon?

Article is in French but translates quite nicely. Could it be from MH370?


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