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Authorities search for small plane overdue in Washington

This just seems to be happening in GA all too often. At least the jump plane that landed on a NJ highway landed safely. Not sure this one will have same outcome. ( Más...

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alvingone 1
This is a local new. Get over it.
c13mt 1
Teen in Washington-bound flight from Montana located
linbb 3
As far as the comment about happening too often, things happen what and why is the question only here not some comments like yours.

James Driskell 1
Nothing wrong with VFR or GPS but at night over the northern Cascades might be a problem. Some of the peaks exceed 12K feet (Mt. Baker)and others that are over 10K feet.
linbb 1
Seven PM may be night where you live but not here in the northwest. Weather has not been the greatest some times tho.
James Driskell 1
The last cell phone contact was at 11 PM near Omak. That's night!
James Driskell 1
I was wrong, last cell contact about 4 PM near Omak on Saturday. King5 TV is now reporting that a 16 year old girl walked out of the woods near Mazama, Washington which could be on the flight path of the plane. See
Loral Thomas 1
As of this morning, searchers still have not located the Bonanza with three people on board. Here is an undated link with picture and names of those on board.

Another article I found on this stated the plane was flying VFR and that the pilot was trying out a new GPS system.
John Cramer 1


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