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Passengers help soldier pull off surprise airport proposal

SACRAMENTO, C.A. - Hearts were gushing at Sacramento International Airport for a soldier's homecoming ceremony – but this wasn't your typical welcome home celebration. After serving multiple deployments overseas, U.S. Army Sgt. Anthony Vance decided to make one more commitment. ( Más...

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Derek Thomas 1
Seriously? Way to tear down a sweet moment! Try Misty Kennedy. Have a happy 4th!
Linda Halson 2
That's Soooo lovely !
sparkie624 2
I believe they are well matched.... I wish them all the best... Wish they had more time together before he has to ship off again..
cptfbi -2
Did I hear that right? Her name was Misty Candy?.........Stage name?
ADXbear 3
thanks for sharing.. nice news for a change

sparkie624 10
With so much bad, we need some good news out there... A special thanks to all the military personnel who serve for our country.
30west 3
Very well said, God Bless our military members!


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