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Fa10 nose wheel falls off plane but lands ok; no ground injuries at apt.

Possibly N715JC? Residents in Saint-Laurent got a scare when the wheel of a corporate jet came loose and crashed through the roof of a home there early this morning. Borough mayor Alan DeSousa confirmed the wheel fell through the roof a residential home. He said no one was injured but the airline company has some explaining to do. Transportation Safety Board spokesperson John Cottreau said the plane was a Falcon 10, a small corporate jet aircraft operated by Club Jet. Cottreau said the plane… ( Más...

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Brian Bishop 4
"you picked a fine time to leave me loose wheel..." Sorry, couldn't resist.

(for you old timers out there who know who Kenny Rogers is)
preacher1 1
my my.LOL
BaronG58 1
Somebody forgot to tighten the lug nut. 8)

preacher1 1
preacher1 1
To say that the plane had difficulty landing is an understatement. Jet Blue landed with one turned crossways but I'll bet this was a trip.


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