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Boeing to trade 787 surge line for 777X initial production line

Boeing said Friday the temporary extra assembly line in Everett used to build 787 Dreamliners will shut down at the end of this year and be converted for use in early production of the forthcoming 777X jet. ( Más...

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Jeremy Chen 1
So where are they going to make Dreamliners?
Dubslow 1
This is a duplicate of something I posted days ago, and yet that squawk had a false duplicate attached to it...
pilotjag 0
Well I did not know that you posted something similar a few days ago... I don't look for squawks that were posted a few days ago and see if I will be posting a duplicate!
Dubslow 2
I'm complaining more about the duplicate detection program that flight aware has running.
pilotjag 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Boeing Will Close 787 Surge Line To Make Way For Producing 777X

Boeing said Friday the temporary extra assembly line in Everett used to build 787 Dreamliners will shut down at the end of this year and be converted for use in early production of the forthcoming 777X jet.
Steve Johnson 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Boeing says first 777X for 2018

The first Boeing 777X will trundle off the production line in 2018, a Boeing exec has revealed, as the airline edges closer to commercial flights of the new long-range jets from 2020.

Steve Johnson 0
Not a duplicate - mods, please move back into its own topic?
Dubslow 2
Not really a duplicate...


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