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Malaysia Airlines puts entire Airbus A380 fleet up for sale

Malaysia Airlines has put its entire fleet of six Airbus A380s up for sale, along with four Boeing 777-200ER jets. ( Más...

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Lawrence Green 2
A report released in Australia namely The International airline Activity Report claims that there has been a 7.8 per cent increase in passengers in February 2015 by Malaysian Airlines. This indicates that the earlier comment suggesting they would be bankrupt within a month is unlikely. My earlier remark of expectation of restructure, reorganisation and reputation was a wish of mine that appears to be unfolding.
I am thinking that there is a very small market for their A388s. I guess it is possible Emirates will buy them and cancel some of their outstanding orders with AB. My guess is they could get them cheap and the oldest ones are 2012 so not ragged out!
Lawrence Green 1
A drastic decision and action. Malaysian Airlines has experienced and suffered two separate incidents with aircraft losses. Apparently this has lead to a fall in patronage. My expectations are that MAS will restructure, reorganise and build their reputation again. My expectation is also my respected wish....
Ross Kumaran 2
Any restructuring endeavours will only bear the proverbial fruit, if only people of caliber were hired. Just look at the buffoons who were entrusted by the greedy and corrupt politicians to manage the airlines thus far.
I would suggest a major shake up with current contracts with suppliers reviewed throughly.
Aircraft19 1
Does this mean routes to London and Paris are cancelled. The airline's 6 A380s where flying these routes twice daily and they are the biggest most important flights. This seems a drastic decision as I am not sure that MH have any replacement aircraft. I agree that some of the 777-200ERs and 747-400Fs are quite old but the A380 is the main aircraft in the fleet. And they lost 2 777s last year so I don't see why they would sell anymore. It will be a massive shame to see all these aircraft go.
CaptainFreedom 1
Agree it looks like they are trying improve their liquidity in a wouldn't surprise me if they are bankrupt within a month.
Aircraft19 1
Is it true they are replacing their A380s with 787s
Lawrence Green 1
Aviation news that I have observed indicates that my earlier comments regarding Malaysia Airlines will restructure ... reorganise and rebuild reputation ... is unfolding fortunately. The announced relaunch of a new business model in September 2015 is refreshing news. Normal operations and existing bookings are not affected. Existing reservations are O.K. Daily operations are O.K. Flight schedules are O.K. Unfortunately 8,00 current employment may go. Apparently 6 A380's and 4 777's will be sold off to eliminate millions of dollars in debt. A big and difficult decision by MAS management. However ... a giant step forward to develop and fly forward.
Lawrence Green 1
12th June 2015: Malaysia Airlines flight #MH 148 ... Melbourne (Australia) to Kuala Lumpur:
At approimately 1500hrs made an emergency landing at Melbourne after initial takeoff. Dumped fuel and landed safely. More details to be announced.
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Lawrence Green 1
aishafarooq farooq has posted comments that are irrelevant to this website. I suggest this person keeps this website free of such nonsense. They mentioned financial matters endeavouring to obviously generate business providing an email address. Seems that they should go to a professional financial business and take a financial loan themselves. Keep this website free from such unprofessional input from a person who is trying to scrounge business with free advertising. Only a foolish person would utilise the services of such a amateur doubtful source.
pilotjag 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Malaysia Airlines Fleet Restructuring

April 30, 2015: Malaysia Airlines is offering for sale or lease all six of its Airbus A380s, its two Boeing 747-400Fs and four Airbus A330-200Fs and four Boeing 777-200ERs as it seeks to restructure following a disastrous 2014.
Colin Seftel 0
Previously posted as

pilotjag 1
How should I have known? I didn't scroll down far enough to see it was posted already...
Colin Seftel 0
Either use the [Search Squawks] button, or select [Sort by] [Newest], so they are in time order. The default is to sort by most votes.
pilotjag 1
Comments like "Colin Seftel" are the exact reason why I haven't posted squawks on FlightAware in a while. I created this account so no one would recognize me and bash about me posting a duplicate squawk. I guess my past is catching up with me. It's amazing that these type of people act tough and assertive behind a computer screen, and probably not in the real world.

To anyone else who reads this: If you have seen that I have posted duplicate squawks, or even good squawks, and have supported me and given me positive ratings and feedback, thank you! I appreciate it! You guys are real mature and friendly. Unlike "Colin"...
Colin Seftel 0
There's a good practical reason for this - it's harder for our readers to follow a discussion when it's spread over several squawks. I wasn't trying to be critical or to score points by mentioning the earlier post, I was merely trying to be helpful by showing the link to the earlier post. Then when "JF" asked for advice, I tried again to be helpful by giving it. I'm really a nice person!
pilotjag 1
Plus, I have never seen you posting "Previously posted" on other user's duplicate squawks. Why is it just me you are doing it to?
pilotjag 1
Never asked for advice. Never would even ask for advice from you even in the after life. I just asked "How should I have known?" I do not see how that is asking for advice. Maybe in your world it is. Maybe my question should have been specific. "How should I have known that it has been posted already?" Again, I never asked for advice!
pilotjag 1
Oh ok Mr. FlightAware Expert. I am sorry I didn't use the "[Search Squawks] button" or "select [Sort by] [Newest]" I guess I am not experienced like you. You sure taught me a lesson. I guess I won't be posting squawks anymore.
Ronald Spencer -3
QANTAS should be next to get rid of there's and buy 787 900s
Check out the total departures of A388s from Australia. QF need to keep this capacity if they are to be a true competitor.
I am from the US but was at AKL recently and there were 3 A388 departures (all Emirates) to DXB via BNE,SYD and MEL. This from a nation of less than 5 million?
Colin Seftel 3
The A380 seats around 500, while the B789 only seats about 300. Why would Qantas want to lose up to 200 PAX on any of their A380 routes?
Martin Haisman 0
True and they have regulations of ETOPS operations as well.


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