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Ranger uses Taser on man flying drone in national park

Drones are becoming a greater nuisance than mosquitoes. There seem already to be too many of them flying around, following the principle of that great revolutionary airman William Nillian. (Willy Nilly to you.) Only last week, the people in charge of the Golden Gate Bridge decided they needed help to deal with the proliferation of these buzzing menaces. Now comes the case of a man in Hawaii who took his little quadcopter out for a fly-by over a lava lake in the Hawai'i Volcanoes National… ( Más...

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Bernie20910 2
Should have tasered the "drone" too.
sparkie624 1
For one thing.. This is not a drone.. A drone is autonomous, what he was flying was an RC Quadcopter... News has no clue what they are talking about... The Ranger used poor judgement... All that did was to put a safe flying rc plane in an out of control unsafe situation... The guy flying the RC was in violation, but did not warrant a tazer shot..
preacher1 0
There you go, getting technical on terms again. LOL. It'll be a losing battle for you. Drone is a drone regardless of how it's flown in the eyes of the public, even the aviation public. Kinda like your argument about the turboprop being a jet; it may be true but it won't change anybody's mind. LOL

Taser shot is questionable.
sparkie624 1
Not technical... Any RC a/c is flown from control of a person in visual site of the aircraft, not by computer or automated control... A Drone is computer driven, and sometimes taken over by a human thousands of miles away. If the RC Looses it human controller, it crashes as it is not smart enough to fly on its own.
preacher1 1
And like I said, you are correct but you would not win an argument with the way that the FAA and everybody else has bantered the term around. Kinda like DEN and DIA. DEN is correct for that airport but you even find aviation folks using DIA. You will be a lone voice crying in the wilderness. LOL
donhun1313 1
Wonder what happened to the drone??? Did the guy retrieve it and then run or did it crash into the volcano?
Lucio DiLoreto 1
Of all the ways this could have been handled this was the worst. Where is Smokey when you need him?
CaptainFreedom 0
Great story. This made my day.

joel wiley 1
Where's Paul Harvey when we need the rest of the story? Here's something from the local paper. Comments are about what you'd expect.

Running off in a crowd, in the dark, at the rim of an erupting volcano sounds like the potential for harm to himself or others. Had he gone over the edge, I don't think Madam Pele finds sacrifices by stupidity acceptable.
preacher1 1
Well, I have no use for the drones either. My place is posted and shotgun shells are to expensive for a warning shot. He should have just pulled his drone in and told the ranger who he was rather than run.
Martin Haisman 1
Who fires a warning shot? Make it count!
linbb 4
Too many have no regard for anything other than what the choose to do rules mean nothing to them. Most feel that there children have the right to do whatever they please and should not have to abide by rules. It went on when they were children and now passed it along to the next generation.
preacher1 0


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