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US to Develop 6th Generation Fighters to Outrun Russian, Chinese Jets

The US Air Force and Navy plan to pursue the development and acquisition of sixth-generation F/A-XX fighters; they consider the fleet of existing jets incapable of handling their Russian and Chinese fifth-generation counterparts, something which they feel constitutes a real threat to national security. The Chinese Chengdu J-20 and the Russian Sukhoi T-50 PAK-FA are becoming a real threat to the US Air Force and Navy, according to The National Interest, an international affairs magazine. “When… ( Más...

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Bobby Allison 1
This article is a joke.
Mike Davis 1
I suspect speed and stealth are somewhat mutually exclusive.
How fast does a plane have to be to shoot someone off the back of a camel? All I see is dollar signs and all I hear is Ca-Ching, ca-ching.... hey, it's only money, right? I do have a solution, but no one will listen. Let's discount the F-35 and sell it the Russians and Chinese..... that should put us way out in front...
preacher1 1
You are correct in that no one, at least no one that can do anything, listening, but your solution is a good one. Problem is, you'd really about have to give the F35 away. I doubt anybody would pay anything for it.
matt jensen 2
Well we don't want it up north here, no matter how much arm twisting you do.
siriusloon 1
The U.S. Navy's CNO recently said that stealth is over-rated and that high speed just makes an aircraft easier to detect using IR sensors. He also said that no matter how fast an aircraft flies, it can't outrun a missile, so the headline for the article immediately makes me question its content.
preacher1 2
Well, in regard to that speed and can't outrun a missile, did he ever hear of the SR71? This is just another ploy to keep the suits in business now that their beloved F35 is getting trounced.

Any news article that calls a vertical stabilizer a "tail fin" doesn't hold a lot of credibility here.
Mike Davis 0
Sometimes it is more efficient to use two syllables for a description in preference to seven when the meaning is evident.
siriusloon 1
Not everything about aviation is written for people with a PhD in aeronautical science.
tim mitchell 0
Soooooooooooooooo......we spent a bunch of money on the f35 and f22 but they are to slow to keep up with there counterparts..I really hope that the true speed of these aircraft are just being kept a secret.
jbqwik 1
The F22 is a capable platform, and the F35 is..well, you know. The F22 does need important upgrades but, thanks to the F35 .. well, you know. Going to be interesting to see if Bill Sweetman comments on this <g>


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