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Wally144 0
Alberto Jouinsse 0
Awesome !!
mckinley wood 0
It sure looks like Vandenberg. Look at this coast line from google earth.
Tim Eichman 0
Awesome shot...
Jasmine Sung 0
Ron Stuart 0
A fantastic shot.
James Doe 0
Overall Astonishing. As a pro camera man, I feel the need to point out the fiber making itself known on the bottom right side of the photo, but... I would like to be taking the photo myself (on O2), what a view!!
James Doe 0
Overall Astonishing. As a pro camera man, I feel the need to point out the fiber making itself known on the bottom right side of the photo, but... I would like to be taking the photo myself (on O2), what a view!!
Fred Cox 0
Dean Ostergaard 0
I think this is a picture taken during a launch at Vandenberg AFB in California. In fact it was probably take by the photographer who took the shots at
John Burnham 0
talk about a once in a lifetime shot. nice job! awesome picture.
Earl Whyde 0
If you all scroll up to the 11th post down from the top, David Aldrich, a staff member of FlightAware, he confirms what the photo is, (Delta 2 at Vandenburg) Mystery solved.
Harold Criger 0
Of all the comments, I have to agree it was a Vanderburg shot rather than the Shuttle!!
Richard Esneault 0
Looking at the geography of the area, especially the angular feature at the bottom right, suggests Vandenberg looking north. KSC and Cape Canaveral AFS don't have a coastline like that as you look south.
Jason Ritchie 0
the coastline is consistent with the vandenberg launch site.

(Check out a google map at :,+Santa+Maria,+Santa+Barbara,+California&gl=us&ei=sd8kTMuwAsT6lwfZl_nOAw&ved=0CBgQ8gEwAA&ll=34.580931,-120.625076&spn=0.066497,0.05991&t=h&z=14)

Could also be a non-shuttle launch from KSC
Jason Ritchie 0

Richard Esneault 0
Looking at the geography of the area, especially the angular feature at the bottom right, suggests Vandenberg looking north. KSC and Cape Canaveral AFS don't have a coastline like that as you look south.
RadBaron 0
If you look closely, you can see the coastline in the bottom right of the photo, making it an east coast mid-morning launch. Not sure on the vehicle, though
Mary Mitton 0
Whatever it is, wherever it is, this is a unique shot, and I love it. Spectacular.
John Sphar 0
Nige is right - it's a tandem jump during freefall. They are probably jumping at Santa Barbara, (Lompoc skydivers), but it could also be the drop zone at Taft, which is about 45 miles away from Vandenberg, line of sight. If you go to, there is one of the front page photos that seems to have the same part of the coastline in it.
Earl Whyde 0
I think it was my mother-in-law on her broom.
Jason Ritchie 0
If this is really a space shuttle launch, the skydivers would have to be to the west of KSC (I assume that they are not skydiving into the ocean). That would make this an early morning launch (sun rising in the east), and that would mean that the shuttle is making a turn generally to the north, which is an improbably direction. If the shuttle launches directly to the east, it would achieve an orbit of about 29° (KSC's latitude). The ISS orbits at 51°, which means that the shuttle would take a course of about 068 ENE to reach the ISS. Hard to tell from the photo, but I'd guess that this photo depicts more of a northward course than is needed to reach the ISS.

Now if this were a Delta from Vandenberg, the skydivers would have to be to the east (again same reason). That would make this a late evening launch (setting sun in the west), and that would mean that the Delta is taking a generally southward course. This is entirely consistent with how the USAF launches satellites from Vandenberg AFB into polar orbits.
Beach Comer 0
Could be Vandenberg, if we're looking west at a sunset. Hard to make a case that it isn't. I've seen that type of sky and cloud cover on both coasts and at both ends of the day. Amazing how we assume we're seeing a sunrise, b/c so many launches happen then. But we really don't know. Does V launch in the late afternoons?
Nige Lites 0
The Skydivers in the shot are doing a Tandem Jump, typically this is a way for someone new to skydiving to experience freefall whilst attached to a highly qualified skydiver (often an Instructor). Soon after exiting the plane the Jumpmaster deploys a small drogue chute that helps control stability and maintain a fall rate similar to a single skydiver. The line rising from the parachute rig is attached to the drogue.

Most jumps are made from around 12,000ft, sometimes as high as 15,000. Given the time for the drogue to deploy and the Camera Skydiver to get in position I'd guess they are at 10,000ft - 8,000ft.
Nige Lites 0
The Skydivers in the shot are doing a Tandem Jump, typically this is a way for someone new to skydiving to experience freefall whilst attached to a highly qualified skydiver (often an Instructor). Soon after exiting the plane the Jumpmaster deploys a small drogue chute that helps control stability and maintain a fall rate similar to a single skydiver. The line rising from the parachute rig is attached to the drogue.

Most jumps are made from around 12,000ft, sometimes as high as 15,000. Given the time for the drogue to deploy and the Camera Skydiver to get in position I'd guess they are at 10,000ft - 8,000ft.
Pete Schecter 0
not everything is as it appears.....
James Konkel 0
WOW! That is an unbelievable shot! I assume that the chute is just deploying? Seems to me that the airspace anywhere near the Cape would have been closed.
Chuck Taylor 0
Is this photo even authentic? Who posted it? Where did it come from? Are those two skydivers hanging from a chute, or one with four legs?
Earl Whyde 0
Actually, in 1997 I left MCO rwy 18 in a Lear 25 and was given a immediate left turn to the north. The controller mentioned that we might get a view of the shuttle launch off to our right if it was on time. It was on time and we did get a great view, leveling at 10,000 ft, but NO camera. Looked the same as this picture, just a tiny speck, AND it did come up through an overcast. Don't know what the wx criteria for the launch is, but it was an overcast.
HBFlyer 0
Peter Sirrell 0
Still a great picture
Bill Butler 0
All of the above notwithstanding, it is a remarkable photo and one worth hanging in the den. Or wherever.
Bill Butler 0
All of the above notwithstanding, it is a remarkable photo and one worth hanging in the den. Or wherever.
pelle93 0
Does anyone knows from what altitude the skydivers jumped? It looks like they were very high.. But I think the ceiling that day was very low, so it is actually not that high as it looks.
David Aldrich 0
Matt is correct it is a Delta2 launch at Vandenburg AFB.
Roger Deeringer 0
Nice photo, but we need the date and location data. Probably not a shuttle launch. Too many clouds and exhaust plume not large enough.
WOW. Nice shot. Nicely done.
flyboy712 0
Very cool picture, but I believe it is a Delta rocket. The TFR wouldn't allow that flight unless it was at least 30 miles away!
joe vendemia 0
thats probably one of the most epic pictures i have ever seen
david norris 0
Suprised they were in that close to shuttles airspace
nugget 0
Very impressive
Matt Molnar 0
Actually wasn't a Shuttle but probably a Delta 2 at Vandenburg AFB. Shuttle wouldn't launch with that much cloud cover.
Erika Amir 0
Wow. What a view that must have been.
Joseph Zmijewski 0
dbaker 0
Absolutely incredible.


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