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Frustration with U.S. airlines is soaring

For flight changes or cancellations, which can run into the hundreds of dollars. For seat assignments, which can cost around $50 per seat. For checked bag, usually around $25 per bag. For priority boarding, about $50. ( Más...

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patrick baker 1
let us remember that profitability on many flights is reflected with one or two passengers revenue contributions. That being said, I cringe at Spirit airlines with their descent to the bottom in passenger comfort and "service". I take trains when possible for the comfort and calm and pleasure. High speed train service connecting all of the lower 48 states appeals to me, even if only a fantasy.

indy2001 2
Catchy headline...too bad the story doesn't come close to justifying it. In fact, there isn't a single objective fact about 'soaring frustration' anywhere in it. A survey is mentioned but none of the details are given nor is a link to it provided. The reporter might be interested in checking out Gallup's latest numbers about airlines, available at


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