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Six Miserable People Filed 25,000 O'Hare Noise Complaints In January

The Chicago Department of Aviation's Airport Noise Management System recently revealed that noise complaints near the international airport are at an all time high. An official report cites that 63 percent of the 39,000 complaints in January came from just six addresses. ( Más...

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The Airport Authority and the FAA should look into suing those six IDIOTS. They have cost the Tax Payers THOUSANDS of DOLLARS to deal with that many IDIOT COMPLAINTS!
Jack Markley 3
Simple answer--- if you lived there when they built the airport maybe ya got a beef
after the airport was operational-----NO!!---- MOVE!!
WhiteKnight77 2
I have seen this issue in many places and not just near big airports but smaller ones too. I remember back when R.G. Moore decided he wanted to build an upscale golf/housing subdivision next to Patrick Henry International Airport in Newport News VA. Several years down the road, the airport wanted to expand and build maintenance hangers on the east side of the airport near runway 7/25. All of those people living next door complained about possible noise so the project was put on hold for years, even though they did build pads. PHF was around for 40 years before Kiln Creek was build and to make matters worse, the area used to be a swamp and cow pasture (cows had a tunnel under the interstate to get to the pasture) and now owners worry about flooding too. :D

The same also goes for military air fields. No matter where an airport is, most likely, it was built in the middle of nowhere 40 or more years ago with nothing around it. Local planners are the ones to blame for allowing such growth whether be at O'Hare or NAS Oceana or Miramar MCAS or places like the now closed MCAS(H) Tustin or MCAS El Toro (flying the pattern at Tustin was fun due to all the locals flying the pattern out of John Wayne who could not read the big yellow letters on top of the building 2 blocks from Tustin's fence that denoted that airspace).

If you do not want noise, do not move next to an airport.
Stefan Sobol 2
These people are massively complaining about the noise so that the city or airport authority will buy them out of their houses, just to make them go away.
ronald rakoski 5
I lived one mile west of PMD airport for 31 years, during the development, testing, maintenance and modifications of the L-1011, TR1 & 2, B-1, B-2, F-117, SR-71, NASA 747 piggybacking space shuttles, and pilot currency training in the KC-135, C-130's and several others. Was a great experience. Recently I moved to a tract house in northern CA; now all day I hear neighbor's dogs barking, teenagers, boom boxes, noisy trucks and cars, lawn mowers 7 days a week. Guess which is more irritating.
James Driskell 2
The first time I landed at ORD, the place was surrounded by corn fields. Too bad they didn't keep it that way.
preacher1 2
IAD wasn't a lot different. Main difference now is that it's that same 26-27 miles into the city only now, commerce is everywhere. So much for the argument of Airports not contributing to the economy.
James Driskell 2
One of the problems with IAD is that the local governments are still dragging their feet on authorizing adequate ground transportation routes from to and from IAD via light rail. While the Metro has been extended towards the airport, it's not finished yet. Should have been done 20 years ago.
preacher1 1
I have had an Aunt/Uncle and cousins living in Franklin Park since Moses was a pup. They were under the approach to one of thee airports up there, probably MDW, but at any rate all I ever hear was " every now and then it seems like one may be a little low, but other than that, no big deal. They were there before us"
Tim Marks 3
Anyone born before 1965 would likely say that, anyone born after that time is looking to sue someone for their own bad choices.
preacher1 2
You're probably right on the age split. Some in between were hesitant to do anything, then someone did and was successful and then everybody jumped on the bandwagon.
Tim Marks 1
The main problem is that judges allow these cases into their courtrooms, arquing them in front of a jury full of uninformed liberal minded community activists and you end up with the situation seen in Santa Monica and Burbank or even worse, what happened to Miegs Field in Chicago.

[This comment was deleted.]

Tim Marks 3
Wow, where do you get that from in my remarks! You need to take a chill pill Jim, cause I said nothing about morons in Santa Monica. And you need to clean up your language in a public forum. Maybe they let things like this be stated in Huffington Post or some other progressive forums, but I take offense at your remarks. You also need to understand that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and it is a shame that because I do not share your left leaning views you need to personally attack me? Please, consider yourself forgiven and be glad I do not report you to the forum administrator.
Robert Hirst 2
While I lean to the left, I see no reason for anyone to be insulting, use foul language or threatening. That is not politics, it is just uncouth behavior. Let's leave it there.
Tim Marks 1
Robert, we all respect each other's views and opinions in forum, it takes all of us - left & right - to make the whole system work. But, apparently you did not see the 'comment deleted' immediately above that I was referring to with the foul language. It was completely inappropiate for this forum and FA admin removed it - my comments would make more sense.
preacher1 2
Tim, Be advised that the forum is monitored 24/7 by a live body and justice can come quickly.
James Driskell 3
Let's dump this idiot!
james sloat -3
James, really? Anyplace, anytime guy! And Timmy Marks, you should probably get your opinion straight before you post on a public forum. I did screen capture your remarks and sent them to our AOPA rep as well as the Santa Monica Airport Association. Further, anytime you post false opinions you will get a strong response. Perhaps you can manipulate people with your behavior but not me. Perhaps you could come to Santa Monica to face us in person?
Tim Marks 0
Mr. Sloat, you just threatened me with physical harm in this public forum. I have just reported you to the forum administrator. You should take a step back from this issue and review your tactics before attempting to get your point across. There was no malic or threat given by me, only my personal opinion of situations as I see them from my point of view, sorry they do not match yours or your interpretation of situations. If you do not like my opinions, please do not read them and be done with it. Since you have now threatened me and have pushed your agenda upon others, I have no option to but to contact Flight Aware directly for mediation of this issue.
james sloat -4
Further your remarks have been sent to Lisa Toscano, general counsel Western Pacific Region FAA.
James Driskell 1
Well Said!
james sloat -4
Timmy, threats? No. I simply asked you to come to Santa Monica to explain you hatred to us. Further, you manipulative behavior is unacceptable. I have contacted my lawyer as well as Mr. Bill Dunn at AOPA.
James Driskell 3
Are you nuts? Where do you get off threatening members of this forum and how do you think a bunch of lawyers and FAA Administrators are going to respond to your overheated foul comments on this forum? Why don't you also call Elmer Fudd or Woody Woodpecker. Maybe they can also help you!!!
Tim Marks 1
Mr. Driskell, I have already contacted Flight Aware directly and they are looking into this situation. Thank you for your supporting comment, but please let's let FA take care of this. Best to ignore any further comments from Mr. Sloat.
james sloat -4
I threatened no one. Get a grip Jimmy.
preacher1 3
Well now James, it wasn't exactly welcoming. I kinda sounded like " Come on out here to California and We'll see if we can't do a little attitude adjusting" and several member on the forum here thought it was kinda threatening too, so I'm not really alone in my opinion. If your temper is prone to a blowup like that in a cockpit, I wouldn't want you on my right or left. Just sayin'. And kinda like bentwing here below, just another reason not to live in California
bentwing60 4
Does your ME really sign off on your medical? This is a forum, not a court of law, and the free exchange of belief and tenet is a privilage, not a public assassination of those we disagree with. Yet another reason to live anywhere but CA!
james sloat -4
Neither one of you were invited. And so much for your support for GA. Typical for those of you hiding behind a fake name. FAA counsel states "several of you should be up front with your identities if you insist on running roughshod with your manipulative behavior on these type of forums".
bentwing60 4
You, sir, are an idiot. Last call!
preacher1 2
If his vocabulary cannot express itself without the F word, he needs to go someplace else. I do not have virgin ears but being from the old school, it is just one you don't throw around lightly.
preacher1 3
Meigs was a situation all to it's own. When the Chicago machine gets behind something, right or wrong, it's gonna happen just because they said so.
Tim Marks 0
I flew into Meigs on a crosscountry training flight on Saturday, March 29, 2003 from Rockford, made 3 pattern touch and goes, and headed off to Peoria for the second leg of my three leg trip. It was one of the most exciting approaches I had made flying in over Lake Michigan with the whole city as a backdrop. Little did anyone know that on Sunday night Mayor Daley would bulldoze the runway destroying one of the nicest small controlled airports I ever flew into.
sparkie624 2
BooHoo... They should not have moved near an airport...
Gene spanos 0
1. It's the 41st ward against ORD and more.
2. Fair group explains to there followers that when in doubt - file a few complaints.
3. EGV mayor has just hired more aviation consultants to spend more $ while seeking peace after 2300 FAA approved shoulder hour.
4. The ONCC will always be the mouth piece for Chicago.
5. Climb out should be at 3,000 Feet - but it's not.
tuba 2
They should be filing 25,000 complaints against the realtors who failed to mention that they're under the flight path.
209flyboy 2
I wonder how many anxious buyers actually know of or even read the disclosures.
sparkie624 2
The smart ones do... I just bought a house, and read all the disclosure's... However, most living near an airport aren't all that smart.
Jeremy Kudlick 14
I'm sorry, but Chicago purchased Orchard Field for the new airport specifically because it was in the middle of nowhere, just like Dulles was built amongst nothing but farmland in the 1950s and 1960s. The airport was there first, and these whiners should just be ignored.
james sloat 5
OhIt's the same scenario here in Santa Monica. The airport has been here since 1917. The citieaof Santa Monica and Los Angeles allowed residential development around the airfield. Now we have a hand full of NIMBYs filing complaints and threatening airport employees, businesses, and aircraft owners. The city of Santa Monica has lost 2 consecutive law suits in federal court passing on the cost of those law suits to the residents of Santa Monica. The people who continually file these complaints are emboldened be the numerous groups that want airports around the country either closed or moved. In Santa Monica, I ask the same damn question when arguing with the local anti-aviation idiots. Were any of you forced tosign your lease, rental or mortgage contracts? Crickets!
Ron Harper 4
Exactly! I never understood how people can build a home next to an airport and then complain about the noise.
preacher1 1
Don't you know that they will have to take all that noise elsewhere when I build my house there.
Tim Marks 6
The inane level of stupidity for someone to build/purchase a home right next to the (sometimes) world's busiest airport, ignore the legally required disclosure of the possibility of noise from airport, and then go on to file constant noise complaints defies logic. But apparently these people have nothing better to do with their miserable lives...."no one told me about this noise, dammit, I could not hear Judge Judy, I'm filing another noise complaint!"
kyle estep 7
Have the FAA create a departure fix above those addresses with a very low max crossing altitude followed by a segment requiring a max performance climb for a few months for any of those addresses that have not had the same owner/resident for at least the last 40 straight years.... Unfortunately there aren't planes from that era still flying to remind them of that level of noise.. (original engine B-707, DC-8, Lear-24/25, maybe some max weight B-747 classics, and to top it off, maybe a weekly Concorde flight there.
Tony Smith 6
The usual NIMBYism at work. Same thing happened near BUR, where the airport has predated nearly everyone who lives there now. Not like the planes came one night while they were asleep, but they complain nonetheless. At ORD, the complainers' comments should be required to be made public... and just to prevent them from being hypocrites they, and their immediate family should be disallowed from flying into/out of ORD.
Jeremy Kudlick 7
The same thing is actually happening at NAS Oceana, also. It was in the middle of nowhere, then people built houses under the published departure paths. The complaining got even worse when the Navy switched to an almost all Hornet fleet, because they are actually louder than the Tomcats were. The solution was to require a steeper climbout, rather than just say, "You're welcome for your freedom."
bentwing60 5
Think they spend much time at work?
canuck44 3
So the Commission could cut their complaints by 40% by just requiring the addition of a small human identifier to their website.
Torsten Hoff 21
That's an average of 134 complaints per person per day.

May I suggest moving instead of spending all your time filling out noise complaints?
rsmath 4
I have a feeling if someone is spending 6+ hrs/day filling out noise complaints, maybe they are being employed by a municipality or neighborhood organization to spend their time filling out noise complaints for a political purpose. Otherwise, who has that much time on their hands to complain unless they are on govt assistance to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table.
preacher1 1
see my post below.
preacher1 8
Sounds like somebody turned some Bot's loose. A CAPCHA would probably cut it down quite a bit.
oowmmr 1
Yea, their vision would be all blurred and dry eye burn. Bot city.
Ric Wernicke 4
The large venue ticket scalpers have long defeated Capcha. The BOT's can buy all the best seats at a concert in seconds.

In almost all cases complaints about airports are from a class of people that attempt to assert control over what they have no rights...Like the people who complain about people who park on a public street in front of their house, or any member of a homeowners association board. They take pleasure in making life difficult for folks that don't conform to their ideas.

Airport noise monitoring departments are about as useful as a fireman on a diesel train. The noise from modern jet engines is so much less than that of early jets like the 707 and 727 that there is really no basis for a complaint. Even close in to runways at airports like Van Nuys or Burbank no one is deprived of the quiet enjoyment of their property.
preacher1 1
I can agree on what you say here about the newer engines as compared to the old and yes, CAPCHA has been defeated by the high rollers but you can't make me believe that these are all done by humans. At the above rate of 134 complaints per person per day, if my math is correct, that is almost 6 complaints per person, 24 hrs per day, 7 days per week. Got to be some BOT activity in there. They just need to figure out how to defeat it. Now, that said, that's the thinking of all us poor private sector folks. Government folks just want to show you how hard they are having to wok to keep up with thing and need to hire a few more folks to help carry the load.

preacher1 1
a 727, even with the hush kits, would make you grab ear protection when one came by all spooled up
paul trubits 1
You think they were louder than a 707?
preacher1 1
I think so and I flew in a 707 for about 13 years
preacher1 5
Had a Boeing guy tell me one time that they did an extra insulation package to protect pax and crew from the noise. You got to remember that that back in the 60's/70's, noise abatement was not high on anybody's radar, and people had the common sense to know that if the built or bought a house by the airport, there would be noise.


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